The ADL 1.4 identifier syntax is here <>, and permits underscores. The ADL2 syntax for the type ARCHETYPE_HRID I think is not visible anywhere except code, so we'll need to remedy that. The relevant code <> shows that underscores are accepted as well.

I would suggest using the proper specification name as various tools are starting to depend on consistent use of names across specifications, UML packages and classes, and archetypes. In fact I suspect that right now the ADL Workbench would not recognise an Extract archetype that didn't have EHR_EXTRACT as the RM class qualifier, because the relevant BMM <> is named that way (I haven't checked though).

I would go with the id template openEHR-EHR_EXTRACT-EXTRACT.something.v1.0.0. There are examples <> already of this in the archetype test repo.

- thomas

On 30/11/2017 12:09, Bert Verhees wrote:
On 30-11-17 13:06, Diego Boscá wrote:
Having said that, I'm not sure current regex for archetype ids allows the use of spaces or undescores on the rm part. I'll have to check that

I was too fast with my compliments ;-)
In that case, we can leave the underscore out, It remains readable.


2017-11-30 9:04 GMT-03:00 Diego Boscá < <>>:

    Hi Bert,

    I would say that the "rm name" would be "EHR_Extract", as it is
    the way the package is called in the documentation
    (notice that demographics and EHR are the other package names).

    After that you would put the corresponding class name to constraint


    2017-11-30 8:55 GMT-03:00 Bert Verhees <


        Since that it is so that some extract-classes derive from
        Locatable, they can be used to use them as RM-class for an

        But how would the ArchetypeId look like, special the rmName.
        Would it be something like openEHR-Extract-Extract........ ?

        Thanks in advance for answering


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