These are modifications on the parser, which parses more things than your
standard parser. In fact, the editor supports legal things in ADL that
other parsers don't (e.g. explicit node identifiers or existence). The
generated ADL is completely fine ADL. There are tools that don't comply
with this general ADL, and we provided an export version of archetypes that
produces a modified version of the ADL syntax that other older and not
maintained tools can parse.
If you want to call this subset "official archetypes" be my guest.

El mié., 12 dic. 2018 a las 14:28, Bert Verhees (<>)

> On 12-12-18 13:48, Diego Boscá wrote:
> > The official one, these are 'hacks' that allow you to handle
> > requirements and edge cases only present in these RM archetypes
> Diego, I don't want to be harsh about LinkEhr, which is a very strong
> product. But this situation raises questions. I already had this
> discussion a few times.
> Especially because it is not mentioned on the LinkEhr website that it
> does not support the official OpenEhr out of the box.
> You should have an option in the application for creating "official"
> archetypes, this to avoid confusion.
> I think it is very good that you fix issues you experience, but this
> way, by implementing without explicit notifying does not seem the royal
> way.
> It is bad, because in this way, the OpenEhr-software-ecosystem-base may
> become too narrow, and it is easy to fix by you, as you indicate to
> Georg Fette
> Best regards
> Bert
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