On 6/12/18 3:39 PM, Andre McCurdy wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 1:00 PM, Mark Hatle <mark.ha...@windriver.com> wrote:
>> On 6/12/18 10:49 AM, Herve Jourdain wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So I agree with you about restricting to what gcc can support, that's 
>>> actually my proposal (actually, probably a subset of what gcc can support).
>>> So for armv8, gcc supports, as architectures: armv8-a, armv8.1-a, 
>>> armv8.2-a, armv8.3-a, armv8.4-a.
>>> Then, you can add the supported options with a "+" after the architecture.
>>> Options supported for armv8-a are: '+crc', '+simd', '+crypto', '+nocrypto', 
>>> '+nofp'
>>> Options supported for armv8.1-a are: '+simd', '+crypto', '+nocrypto', 
>>> '+nofp'
>>> Options supported for armv8.2-a and armv8.3-a are: '+fp16', '+fp16fml', 
>>> '+simd', '+crypto', '+dotprod', '+nocrypto', '+nofp'
>>> Options supported for armv8.4-a are: '+fp16', '+simd', '+crypto', 
>>> '+dotprod', '+nocrypto', '+nofp'
>>> As you can see, proposals for armv8-a, whether my previous one, the new one 
>>> here, or even the one I have updated and used in production, just capture 
>>> the existing complexity, and not add to it.
>>> and support for armv8.1-a, armv8.2-a, armv8.3-a, armv8.4a will only add 
>>> more options down the line.
>> Sounds a lot like the above would be TUNE_FEATURES to me..  (even if we don't
>> necessarily define a tune that uses them -- if it's standard another layer
>> certainly could.)
>>> Regarding fpu, gcc supports the following for armv8: fp-armv8, 
>>> neon-fp-armv8, and crypto-neon-fp-armv8.
>>> Regarding cpu, I believe that the armv8 supported ones are: ‘cortex-a32’, 
>>> ‘cortex-a35’, ‘cortex-a53’, ‘cortex-a55’, ‘cortex-a57’, ‘cortex-a72’, 
>>> ‘cortex-a73’, ‘cortex-a75’.
>>> I personally would like to keep tuning for a specific CPU as much as 
>>> possible (again I'm working closely with various ARM-based SoCs, so my 
>>> opinion might be tainted).
>> Thats a lot of options, but if we focus on TUNE_FEATURES, I think it's a bit
>> more reasonable to support all of this.. (maybe that is what needs to be 
>> done in
>> the future as well for other architectures.. focus on the 'gcc' behavior and
>> generate TUNE_FEATURES matching the compiler.)
>> I'd like Khem's opinion on how crazy of an idea that is.
>>> One thing that could be done to simplify things would be to just use the 
>>> cpu, and add the options to it. Gcc supports adding options to the cpu.
>>> '+nofp' for ‘cortex-a32’, ‘cortex-a35’, ‘cortex-a53’ and ‘cortex-a55’
>>> '+crypto' for ‘cortex-a32’, ‘cortex-a35’, ‘cortex-a53’, ‘cortex-a55’, 
>>> ‘cortex-a57’, ‘cortex-a72’, ‘cortex-a73’, ‘cortex-a75’
>>> That could simplify the tune settings, but would give less control than 
>>> what we currently have.
>>> As you might have guessed, I do put a specific emphasis on the crypto 
>>> option, and on the neon option, which are the most interesting for armv8 in 
>>> my opinion.
>> In the past 'crypto' options have only been assembly.. if that's changed it 
>> has
>> definitely opened up a new facet in all of this work.
>>> Regarding thumb, always adding it to the tune without creating specific 
>>> variants with or without thumb makes sense, since the tune is normally 
>>> about the SoC capabilities, and arv7 and armv8 both support it.
>>> You can always select whether you want thumb or not by setting 
>>> ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET appropriately at the distro level.
>> Yes, that might be needed now that thumb is theoretically always supposed to 
>> be
>> present.
> It's not _always_ present - it's missing for armv4 CPUs such as StrongARM.

Always present on -modern- ARM processors.. ARMv7 (Cortex) and newer AFAIK.  I'm
not referring to older cores.

> However the option has been unnecessarily propagated into tuning files
> for higher architecture levels where support for Thumb _is_ always
> present.

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