On 01/10/2014 10:51 AM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On 01/10/14 09:01, Paul Eggleton wrote:
>> This is all very interesting with people piping up that their layers
>> are maintained, but I'm not sure it helps solve the overall problem.
>> Also, if it does appear that a layer has gone "unmaintained" by
>> popular consensus, what should actually be done about it? 
> I was hoping I could put together a list of the layers which are no
> longer maintained to see if we could find people who might be interested
> in stepping up and taking on their maintenance. Or at the very least,
> clarifying a given layers' maintenance status.
> At the last OE TSC meeting the issue of unmaintained layers was brought
> up, I asked several times if people could specify to which layers they
> were referring, but nobody replied. So people are concerned about layers
> that have no maintainer, but nobody can say which ones (?). In my
> opinion I thought it would be easier to solve this problem if we could
> at least start by defining it.

BTW, I maintain meta-sdr.


> As to what can be done about it: if a layer is not maintained, and
> nobody cares for the layer, we should drop it from the list or at least
> mark it as such ("buyer beware"). If a layer is not maintained, and
> people do care, then we'll need to try to find someone to take
> responsibility for it (we should, at the very least, make the attempt).
> Also I think we should identify layers that people do care about, whose
> maintenance is questionable, which are not hosted in a way where the
> community can apply necessary patches to easily.
> Best regards,
>     Trevor
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