I'm a bit confused here.
I just did 'find
tmp/work/x86_64-nativesdk-pokysdk-linux/nativesdk-grpc/1.56.2/ -name
"protoc*"' and I see protoc binary only in recipe-sysroot-native. That
tells me that protoc, which is a part of nativesdk-protobuf-compiler, is
not installed to recipe-sysroot.
What am I missing here?
On 20.10.2023 09:35, Martin Jansa wrote:
do_prepare_recipe_sysroot doesn't install any packages to RSS. Only
package manager on target or in do_rootfs uses packages.
It installs the files from dependency populate_sysroot task.
On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 9:11 AM Samuli Piippo
<samuli.pii...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dependency to the recipe name will always install all packages to RSS.
You can verify this by checking that the libprotoc.so from the
nativesdk-protobuf-compile package is in the sysroot.
The problem you are facing is the fact that binaries are not
installed into the sysroot (for nativesdk builds), so you are only
missing the bin/protoc-23.4.0 file.
The proposed and twice reverted fix for this is the aforementioned
On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 at 09:17, Vyacheslav Yurkov
<uvv.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
I think the problem goes down to how dependencies are
populated in the sysroot. I raised this question in oe-core
mailing list
, but didn't get an answer yet.
DEPENDS += "protobuf" will only install the main package of
protobuf to the sysroot, because it assumes that
nativesdk-protobuf-compiler is also part of the main package
(which is not). I guess the part of the system populating
sysroot deals with recipes only, and not with packages. I'm
still trying to understand how that should be addressed properly.
My understanding is that either all packages should be
installed to sysroot (which recipe claims it provides), or we
need a way to indicate a package level dependency (i.e.
nativesdk-protobuf-compiler in this case)
Any ideas?
On 18.10.2023 14:28, Samuli Piippo wrote:
Following simple test recipe will fail now when trying to use
Protobuf with CMake.
inherit cmake
DEPENDS += "protobuf"
do_configure:prepend() {
echo "find_package(Protobuf CONFIG)" > ${S}/CMakeLists.txt
BBCLASSEXTEND = "nativesdk"
CMake Error at
The imported target "protobuf::protoc" references the file
but this file does not exist.
I don't quite see why every project/recipe should fix this
independently when the simple workaround for this
yocto-specific issue is available (namely the use
ps. qtgrpc recipe and other Qt6 recipes are now visible in
the layerindex
On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 15:06, Vyacheslav Yurkov
<uvv.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
I'd like to follow-up on this and say that I see this
issue now with nativesdk build, in particular
nativesdk-grpc recipe fails in master with the same
error. I hope that's partially related to the issue
everybody is confused about, but I'd like understand how
to properly fix it.
| The imported target "protobuf::protoc" references the
| but this file does not exist. Possible reasons include:
| * The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another
The protoc-23.4.0 file already exists in the
And we do want protoc to be present in the SDK, but
nativesdk build is a cross-compilation, because
SDKMACHINE and HOST might be different.
In this particular grpc case there's an option to say
where the actual protoc executable is (
is passed to grpc).
So there shouldn't be any issues here, but nativesdk
build still fails.
Looking into it further I see that protoc is actually
packaged by protobuf-compiler package, but when I try to
add a package dependency to grpc recipe I get this:
nativesdk-protobuf RPROVIDES nativesdk-protobuf-compiler
Moreover, if I go into devshell and forcefully install
nativesdk-libprotobuf-compiler, then `bitbake
nativesdk-grpc` is happy and compiles!
So something wrong with the dependencies in protobuf
recipe, but I can't figure out yet what exactly. Any ideas?
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