On Fri, 14 May 2010 08:25:22 +0000 (UTC)
Dmitri Hrapof <hra...@common-lisp.ru> wrote:

> Hello!
> I've tried A) part of http://wiki.openezx.org/Getting_Started
> with my A780 and A1200.
> Everything worked with A1200, but boot_usb failed to upload kernel 
> to A780. I used both precompiled boot_usb and boot_usb from svn, 
> but uploading just stopped at various places - 13%, 20%, etc.
> I used precompiled gen-blob.
> Is there anything I can try with A780 to solve this?

Try commenting out
//#define USECS_SLEEP 500
in boot_usb.c, line 46, recompile and let us know.

> (I'm using A1200 as my day-to-day phone, so I'd like to experiment with
> A780 :)

Cool, let us know also if you want to get more involved in openezx, stop
by #openezx IRC channel on FreeNode if you have some time.

> Thanks,
> Dmitri


Antonio Ospite

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