On Fri, 14 May 2010 10:41:50 +0000 (UTC)
Dmitri Hrapof <hra...@common-lisp.ru> wrote:

> Antonio Ospite <ospite <at> studenti.unina.it> writes:
> > Try commenting out
> > //#define USECS_SLEEP 500
> > in boot_usb.c, line 46, recompile and let us know.
> It was commented, I uncommented both it and DEBUG, ie
> #define USECS_SLEEP 500 
> #define DEBUG 
> and managed to get the kernel to my A780. Thank you very much!

Yes I mean UNcomment, sorry. Are you sure that uncommenting
DEBUG is strictly required?

> > Cool, let us know also if you want to get more involved in openezx, stop
> My plan is to debug my (non-existent yet) app on FreeRunner and then put it 
> on a
> phone with built-in camera. Tried to obtain a developer's certificate from
> Motorola (to code in Java), but it's unavailable for a1200/a780. So, I hope to
> need working camera, wi-fi, GPRS and bluetooth in OpenEZX by the end of the 
> year
> (if carrying a webcam together with FreeRunner is sufficiently inconvenient) 
> :)

wi-fi is tricky on A780/A1200 (there are MicroSD wi-fi adapter that
should work, but no one tested them on EzX phones so far; IIRC someone
used a SD wifi module on E6 tho) and GPRS, well I don't think we
ever even tried to use it with OpenEZX. Camera and bluetooth should be
mostly OK.

> > if you have some time.
> I wish I had :)

Ciao ciao,

Antonio Ospite

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