Hi Zhesen,

The components are meant for the zaku branch in noxrepo.org.


On 12 October 2011 11:29, Zhesen ZHANG <zhe...@nttmcl.com> wrote:
> Hi KK,
> We cannot build the bicast on the nox-0.8.9 since there is no
> flowdb, mobiledb and routeinstaller in the source code.
> We put the bicast under the netapps/
> Which version of nox should we build and what is the purpose
> flowdb, mobiledb?
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Zhesen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: yap...@gmail.com [mailto:yap...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of kk yap
> Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 2:54 PM
> To: Zhesen Zhang
> Cc: zhe...@nttmcl.com
> Subject: Re: zhesen's email address
> Hi Zhesen,
> I am not that clear about my schedule next week as yet.  I am not
> doing much, but will help others as it becomes necessary.  I suspect
> you can catch me on an adhoc basis and I should probably be free.
> I also just sent an email about the scripts for bicast.  Hope you got it.
> Regards
> KK
> On 9 October 2011 21:23, Zhesen Zhang <zhe...@ymail.com> wrote:
>> Hi KK,
>> It's very glad to hear from you.
>> it's OK, I understood you must be very busy for conference.
>> Thank you for explaining to me about the bicast. I see.
>> How about your schedule, have any chance to meet you
>> before the conference or we have to wait until the
>> conference closed.
>> Regarding the openflow question, I will ask on the
>> mailing list next time. sorry for that.
>> By the way, did you happened to have the bicast script.
>> Thanks again!
>> Best regards,
>> Zhesen
>> ________________________________
>> From: kk yap <yap...@stanford.edu>
>> To: Zhesen Zhang <zhe...@ymail.com>
>> Cc: Zhesen ZHANG <zhe...@nttmcl.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2011 2:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: zhesen's email address
>> Hi Zhesen,
>> Sorry for the delay in replying.  Things are rather hectic in Stanford.
>> It seems like you have misunderstood the bicast setup.  The setup
>> manipulates both the APs, base-stations and the OpenFlow switches,
>> which means you need to have the entire setup before anything else is
>> going to be useful.
>> Regards
>> KK
>> PS>> I would prefer such email to be sent to the mailing list for
>> issues of openness and fairness.  Hope that works well for you too.
>> On 29 September 2011 22:41, Zhesen Zhang <zhe...@ymail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. Yap,
>>> This is my email address, it is very nice to talk with you.
>>> Please feel free to let me know your schedule after you
>>> finished the conference preparation.
>>> I appreciate so much if you can send me the bicast script
>>> so I can test it.
>>> Another question is that I want to double check with you that
>>> is the bicast script only the script in the n-casting experiment and
>>> does the bicast script control the access point and WiMAX
>>> base station only, not control the OpenFlow switch.
>>> if so can I understand that in the very simple network topology as
>>> one client laptop, two access points, one streaming server and
>>> one NOX control server, even there is no the OpenFlow switch I
>>> still can test the n-casting experiment.  I am so not confident about the
>>> OpenFlow switch needs in n-casting, so any information will be help.
>>> Again I am very sorry to disturb you at this time, sorry about this.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Best regards,
>>> Zhesen Zhang
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