On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 12:08:06PM -0800, Murphy McCauley wrote:
> I'd suggest that you try running POX's openflow.discovery component and see 
> if it works, since it would seem to do pretty much what you're trying to do 
> here (generate LLDP messages from scratch).  If it works, check out the 
> messages it's generating and compare them with your own (you can use 
> openflow.debug to save it all as PCAP traces).

That was a very helpful suggestion.   I ran openflow.discovery and I *did*
see discovery messages received on the host connected to the switch
port.   However I was puzzled because the destination MAC address was
01:23:20:00:00:01, rather than the LLDP multicast address.  Examing the
disccovery.py code, I see that it's using the "Nicira Discovery Protocol"
Multicast adress rather than the LLDP Multicast Address.  

I changed our code to use the NDP_MULTICAST address rather than
LLDP_MULTICAST and now I see the packets generated by my code!

So, now the question is why doesn't it like the LLDP_MULTICAST address?
Is the openflow switch refusing to send these for some reason?  Or 
perhaps the connected host running wireshark is eating them at a layer
below where wireshark can see them?  Or something else?

Peter Fales
Member of Technical Staff
1960 Lucent Lane
Room: 9H-505
Naperville, IL 60566-7033
Email: peter.fa...@alcatel-lucent.com
Phone: 630 979 8031
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