There is only a free version of VistA..... I am not aware of a proprietary verison.


Nandalal Gunaratne wrote:
--- Joseph Dal Molin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

VistA's CPRS works with any Dragon based VR product
out of the box....and as I found out quite by accident at the
recent American College of Phys. conference it works with hand
writing recognition software that comes with the Toshiba Portege tablet

Is this the proprietary version of VistA CPRS or the free version of Open VistA?

> Interestingly, the sorts of screen displays and
data entry "forms" best
> suited to such head-mounted display devices are
not complex GUIs, but
> rather very simple text-mode "terminal" displays,
remarkably like the
> screens used by VistA

The use of a text based browser maybe even more
useful. Like Lynx for example....
 The whole thing acts as a voice-activated

thin client,

communicating with the main hospital systems via

wireless networking.

Will this not compromise security? What about log-in
by voice recognition? I am aware that such systems are
being tested and they say a persons voice is almost as
good as a fingerprint.


Nandalal Gunaratne MS FRCS(Eng.)
Urological Surgeon

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