David Forslund wrote:
> I don't see that your answer has much to do with my question.  It isn't
> about
> where we have been but where we are going and why.  I don't doubt the
> need for an international forum but what will be the constraints on
> participation?

If you are a member of OSHCA, you can shape its policy and direction. If
you are not, you are free to observe what OSHCA does, attend meetings
and contribute, but non-members cannot vote on motions in general
meetings. I would encourage you to join.

> I currently don't see any difference in most open source systems as to
> the vendor
> "lock-in" other than that one can look at the code.

Um, and modify the code, and redistribute it. All of those are pretty
big differences IMHO. Perhaps you mean no difference from a software
engineering or software architecture perspective? That is debatable,
particular since the quality of the software engineering and
architecture of closed source systems is typically rather hard to judge,
since code can't be inspected and the details of underlying technical
architecture is usually regarded as a trade secret by the vendor. Either
way, there is a lot more to health information systems which actually
make a difference to people's health care and lives than just software
engineering and good software interfaces.

> I don't see that
> the proposed fees for OSHCA will do anything other than allow it to
> organize (but not fund) meetings.   I'm not sure that that will accomplish
> much without some purpose or goal to the meetings.   I need to see the
> value of the organization.  People can participate in our project, for
> example, for nothing
> and this includes contributing code, etc.   This typically would be a lot
> more participation than might occur in OSHCA itself.  Without a strong
> set of goals which might include interoperability, the value of OSHCA is
> unclear to me.

Dave, there is no compulsion to join OSHCA, and you can chose to join
OSHCA later if you think it is worth the time and money, or not. It's up
to you. But if you want to have a significant impact on the agenda and
policies of OSHCA, you'll need to join.

> If OSHCA is non-profit, will it be recognized as such in the US so that
> gifts
> to it would be tax-deductible, or is the membership fee not a charitable
> "gift" but
> something that you "purchase" and receive value in return?

I imagine that country chapters of OSHCA, if/when they are formed, will
be be able to pursue tax-deductible status - the difficulty and rules
for achieving this vary a lot from country to country - it will be up to
the people who are organising each country chapter. For the meantime,
though, you won't be able to claim a tax deduction on your US$10
membership fee, should you chose to join.

Tim C

> Joseph Dal Molin wrote:
>  > OSHCA meetings have always been open to anyone. While there has been
>  > much progress without OSHCA and there are other open source "working
>  > groups" imbedded in organizations like AMIA etc. there is a need for an
>  > open international forum whose focus is solely open source in health and
>  > provides a place both in the form of meetings and online venues for what
>  > I perceive to be "islands" of activity to interact and cross pollenate.
>  > This will evolve into concrete initiatives where there is sufficient
>  > "itch to scratch" and motivation to act....I would definitely vote for
>  > promoting open source interoperability as a good starting point....it
>  > would be truly ironic if open source projects reinvented "lock-in".
>  >
>  > Where OSHCA goes from here will be up to its membership and the goal
>  > creating a "formal" organization will allow the scope of what OSHCA can
>  > accomplisy, through funding etc. to expand significantly.
>  >
>  > Joseph
>  >
>  > David Forslund wrote:
>  > > Is OSHCA membership intended to simply be an issue of who can vote on
>  > > decisions by the organization or does it entail other matters?  Most
>  > > organizations allow for observers and external contributors, but those
>  > > can't vote on organizational decisions.   For example, can anyone
>  > > participate/attend an OSHCA meeting (subject to possible meeting fees
>  > > which are distinct from membership) or only paying members?   Will this
>  > > list only be for paying OSHCA members?  So far the benefits of this list
>  > > on discussion of technical issues is valuable, but I don't yet see the
>  > > benefits of joining OSHCA.  There are other open source organizations
>  > > that are at least as valuable being a member of.  I don't  know what
>  > > OSHCA will be "doing".   I would think that promoting interoperability
>  > > amongst open source systems would be a good task to do, but I don't see
>  > > that on the list.  We have been fairly successful championing and
>  > > promoting open source in healthcare without OSHCA.   I need to
>  > > understand the benefit of joining the organization.  The cost isn't the
>  > > issue; the time and effort is.
>  > >
>  > > Thanks,
>  > >
>  > > Dave Forslund
>  > >
>  > >
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