David Forslund wrote:
> ...The idea seems to be that sending messages around is
> good and people will eventually be able to figure out what they mean.
> One needs to worry more about semantic integration and leave the
> technology underlying this aside.

Nicely put.

I tend to think that my notes, made by me, and sitting where they
currently sit, upstairs in my Practice building, mean something.

It is clear to me that anyone else who gets to read them, now or later,
makes their own judgement about what they mean and to what degree of
relevance and reliability, and so do I for others' notes.

So providing the means for other people to negotiate access to my stored
notes seems sensible, they will interpret them in the light of whatever
is going on, and the next person will do _their_ own thing.

Pushing them all into one heap, or passing them around into everyone's
heap until none of us know which are ours and which are some
school-leaver's is a different and semantically inferior process.


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