Thomas Beale wrote:
> I would like to know if anyone here is interested in being able to play 
> with a demonstration system (located in Australia) over a web-service 
> (published API); currently you would write C# code against a client-side 
> DLL - the idea is to use the openEHR repository as a proper versioned, 
> archetyped, semantically queryable back-end. This would be for the 
> purpose of evaluating openEHR in a hands-on way. I don't want to get 
> into arguments about open source at the moment - today it is closed 
> source, but it will become open source as soon as we find an economic 
> model that pays for what we release before we release it (and in any 
> case, everything that we learn becomes part of the openEHR 
> specifications, and eventually the Java project). So the offer is for 
> people interested in contributing to openEHR / e-Health progress in 
> general, with all feedback (code if wished) being made public.
> - thomas beale
BTW we are already doing this with some universities, and some smart 
programmers are working on a java/C# bridge, so you can probably assume 
that if you want to participate in this activity, you can also code in Java.

Timing will be in the new year - at this stage I would like to gauge 

- thomas beale

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