Seref Arikan wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Sorry I was not clear about the issue. I was hoping that there is an 
> existing proof of concept application for the mentioned test repository. 
> Since the repository can be the source for a "clinical document" as 
> referred in the CDA docs, any simple application would do fine. I just 
> wanted to get my hands on a CDA document that belongs to an actual 
> repository.(I mean that represents a persisted record in an openehr 
> repository). I am aware that CDA is for transferring a persisted 
> document. If I am not mistaken, constructing CDA documents for transfer 
> over HL7 is a valid approach, approved by openEHR.
well, we are not in a position to "approve" anything that openEHR does. 
The fact that we don't use anything from HL7v3 might tell you something the way, CDA was designed as a transfer format, not as a 
data model for EHR systems.

- thomas

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