Seref Arikan wrote:
> Thomas,
> I consider the openehr repository as a black box, and I don't intend to 
> mix CDA or anything HL7 into it. By approval, I meant that openEHR is 
> fine with transferring data over HL7 CDA. At least that was the 
> impression I got from your comments in your presentation in Ankara some 
> time ago. I'de be glad to hear any comments of yours about this if I am 
> mistaken.
>  >  I am aware that CDA is for transferring a persisted
>  > document.
> This was meant to say exactly what you say: CDA is not a data model, and 
> I am considering it for data transfer only. It's just that having a 
> backend that consists of an openehr repository instead of a plain 
> database would be fine.  I think it will be a pretty common scenario as 
> institutions begin to use openehr repositories and there are many others 
> with HL7 communication capability, so I wanted to get my hands on such a 
> setup, to see how it works.
as far as transferring openEHR or CEN-compliant data, either the CEN 
13606 Extract or the openEHR EHR Extract is the way to go. The fomer is 
already published and the spec is easy to find. The latter will be 
published soon, and is significantly more powerful than the CEN Extract. 
Both Exracts are very generic and flexible and are properly 
archetype-enabled; both Extracts have XML-schemas (the openEHR one will 
be published in draft form sometime in the next few weeks I believe). 
CDA is essentially an XML-schema derived from an HL7v3 RMIM. There are 
good ideas in it, but in the end I don't see it as being of that much 
use - the main reason is that it tries to impose its idea of your 
information on you (at the Entry level you have a choice of 8 fixed 
possibilities), whereas openEHR (and CEN) is about using flexible 
generic structures to represent your information, built conforming to 
your archetypes and templates (however many 1000s you want). 
Nevertheless, if you are forced to use anything from HL7v3, CDA is the 
thing to use, and the thing most likely to be convertible into/out of 
openEHR or CEN EN13606.

- thomas

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