That leads me to ask: does the AMA claim copyright on the CPT codes
themselves, or just on the descriptions of the codes?  If the latter,
I think there would be a lot of merit in a community project to
create and maintain new descriptions.  I've been told that the AMA's
descriptions are not very physician-friendly.


On Saturday 09 December 2006 10:18, 80n wrote:
> This reminds me of a similar situation in the UK with postcodes (their
> equivalent of zip codes).  Unlike the US where zip codes are in the public
> domain, the British Post Office owns the postcode database and protects it
> agressively.
> An enterprising group of people recently started an initiative at
> to "reverse engineer" the postcode database by
> getting people to record their own postcode and geographic location on the
> web-site.  So far they have not been closed down by the post office.
> I'm wondering if anything like a similar approach could work with CPT codes?
> 80n

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