Fred Trotter wrote:
> Hello OpenHealth,
>              I hope you are all aware of the SCALE healthcare day...
>              If you can make it you should, the speakers line up is full of
> real players in our industry.
>              I am scheduled to talk on "Whats going on in healthcare" the
> intent of my talk is to give a summary about what is REALLY going on in Free
> and Open Source Healthcare. I want to talk about what projects are moving
> and which projects are dead. I want to talk about what we as a larger
> community are doing well with and what we as a community are doing poorly
> with. In short I want to present my audience with useful bias as opposed to
> mere information.
>               I fully intend to make some bold statements about the state of
> our industry. But I do not want to do that without having more information
> about what is really happening. So I am turning this question on the
> community? What IS going on in Free and Open Source Healthcare? Here are the
> areas that I would like commentary on. Please feel free to comment on areas
> that I am overlooking.
> First whats going on in medical imaging? ie Osiris
> Second what is happening in Genomics/Protenomics/Cell Modeling? i.e.
> What is happening in decision support/diagnostics? OpenPsyc etc etc

GELLO - - is it really
needed, and are there any open source implementations of it yet?

> Clinical Trial/ Research Software ie OIO

The open source statistical environment, R (see ), is going from strength to strength and is
becoming a widely used tool in many areas of biomedical research, and
the dominant tool (with add-on libraries like Bioconductor) in a few
biomedical sub-disciplines.

> Drug Database - i.e. Uversa effort
> EHR clinical i.e. MirrorMed/ClearHealth -- VOE

The African project OpenMRS (see ) is,
to my mind, the most exciting open source clinical application at
present, in the field, good technical underpinnings, and charging ahead.

GNUmed ( ), which is also technically very good,
is finally getting somewhere after many, many years of effort.

> EHR hospital ie. VistA/Care2x

I take my hat off to the Hospital OS team in Thailand:

> PHR ie Indivo
> Interoperability/MPI Mirth/OHF etc etc.

Mirth looks exciting and well-executed, and we are keen to use it. Has
anyone tested it or used it for serious work?

Public health/epidemiology (think avian/pandemic influenza):

OpenEpi is a useful tool:

Our own NetEpi project (see ) is approaching its
Version 1.0 release - V1.0beta and updated Web site by the end of Jan
2007, plus, I hope, a bootable liveCD demo disc, with V1.0 final to
follow in Feb.

Tim C

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