--- Tim Churches <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The African project OpenMRS (see
> http://openmrs.org/wiki/OpenMRS ) is,
> to my mind, the most exciting open source clinical
> application at
> present, in the field, good technical underpinnings,
> and charging ahead.
Thanks Tim for this info, I was not aware of this
project. It seems to be in development stage yet, and
the link is

It is using the same FOSS software as OSCAR

BTW OSCAR  is alive and well too!

> GNUmed (http://www.gnumed.org/ ), which is also
> technically very good,
> is finally getting somewhere after many, many years
> of effort.
> > EHR hospital ie. VistA/Care2x
> I take my hat off to the Hospital OS team in
> Thailand:
> http://www.hospital-os.com/en/

Yes, unfortunately the English version of the new 3.0
is not available yet

> > PHR ie Indivo
> > 
> > Interoperability/MPI Mirth/OHF etc etc.
> Mirth looks exciting and well-executed, and we are
> keen to use it. Has
> anyone tested it or used it for serious work?
> Public health/epidemiology (think avian/pandemic
> influenza):
> OpenEpi is a useful tool: http://www.openepi.com/
> Our own NetEpi project (see http://www.netepi.org )
> is approaching its
> Version 1.0 release - V1.0beta and updated Web site
> by the end of Jan
> 2007, plus, I hope, a bootable liveCD demo disc,
> with V1.0 final to
> follow in Feb.

The disaster Mangament Project Sahana, is developing a
module for pandemics, and I will be joining in it's
finalizing touches soon.


> Tim C

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