Hello THomas,
> To give you an idea of the kind of thinking that
> could be exposed, here 
> is my opinion:
> I think they should be open and freely usable - in
> fact I think the only 
> sensible business model for standards development is
> to give them away 
> free and charge some money for compliance testing.

The development of standards can be quite costly as
Stephen pointed out, is it possible to get money just
by compliance testing? They could charge a licence fee
for continuous use.....

> What ISO and many 
> other bodies do is completely wrong, and hence fails
> most of the time 
> (there are far more ISO standards than are actually
> used, because people 
> cannot even examine them for fitness without paying
> for them. Hence a 
> vast amount of talking, time off and air miles are
> wasted on producing 
> documents that never see the light of day).
This is true. HL7 was also being criticised for going
on and on and not producing anything useable.

> Just to continue on my "software ecosystem" comment
> a few posts back, I 
> think this conference would be an opportunity to
> show more than just 
> "why open source is good" in a general sense. We
> already have the proof 
> that this is true in some areas, with
> category-topping efforts like 
> Linux & Apache. We also already have some great
> medical open source 
> systems. 

We need to identify these "great systems", from the
"good" systems. Could you list a few you think are

>What we don't have is a standard-based,
> interoperable ecosystem 
> of software that we can offer the industry as a
> whole. What I think we 
> want is to show that we can build a cathedral, but
> do it in the bazaar. 
> We need something that looks like objectweb.org, but
> in health. Putting 
> openly developed standards together with openly
> developed software is 
> the key to the future in my view, and we should be
> developing the 
> necessary thinking now; the conference is an ideal
> opportunity to aim 
> for exposing such ideas.

"Openly developed standards with openly developed
software" is my own favorite phrase too :-)

> - thomas

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