Gregory Woodhouse wrote:
> I don't see how it clarifies your reference to the "original  
> license". VistA is in the public domain in the sense that it may be  
> obtained though FOIA. That's not the same as being licensed under an  
> open source license. Indeed, speaking as a non-lawyer, I don't see  
> how anyone can release VistA itself under GPL or any other license.  
> At best, I'd think modifications to VistA could be released under an  
> open source license. 

Thus, Medsphere's GPL license can be applied only to the <<differences>> 
between OpenVista server and FOIA VistA. (Likewise, any modifications 
World Vista makes to VistA.)

IMHO, of course,

> Medsphere's client is, of course, unrelated to  
> VistA (unlike OpenVista, which I understand to be a modified form of  
> VistA).

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