Tim Cook wrote:
> JohnLeo Zimmer, MD wrote:
> .
>> Thus, Medsphere's GPL license can be applied only to the <<differences>>
>> between OpenVista server and FOIA VistA. (Likewise, any modifications
>> World Vista makes to VistA.)
>> IMHO, of course,
>> jlz
> I don't believe so.  Public domain software CAN be re-released under 
> ANY license.
> Tim

Yes, Tim C is correct on this, and not just because his name is Tim C.
Public domain means no owner of copyright, no license. So anyone can
assert copyright and a license of their choice (any license) over their
particular copy of that public domain code. That's why releasing code
into "the public domain" is a bad idea - but Vista is obtain under
public domain terms through a feature of the US constitution written
long before software was conceived of, I believe, not because someone
thought that releasing VistA software into the public domain was the
best path to take.

Tim C

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