My only concern about this proposal is that there is a company with the 
name Liberty Medical out there (  That 
might create some confusion as well as some legal issues, but then I'm 
no lawyer. (in fact, when I saw the title of the email, I initially 
thought it was something connected with that company, which does a lot 
of advertising on TV).

Dave Forslund

fred trotter wrote:
> Hi,
>          At the behest of many of the vendors and individuals within
> the community, we are now announcing the creation of the Liberty
> Medical Software Foundation.
> <>
>          This organization will exist to be our HIMSS, our EHR vendor
> association and, if needed, our CCHIT. It is intended to serve both
> the needs of the FOSS vendor community, and the community of
> individual developers and clinical users of FOSS EHR software. It is
> intended to be a place where FOSS companies like Medsphere or
> ClearHealth can sit at the same table with FOSS friendly proprietary
> companies like Misys and DSS! This is intended to be a place where a
> single developer from OpenEMR will be shown the same deference and
> respect as the CEO of IBM.
> We cannot afford an Open Source vs. Free Software divide in
> our community. That is the reason we chose the term 'Liberty' for our
> name. Openness is good, but it is not enough, we need freedom. But we
> cannot go around having the conversation:
> "When I say Free, I do not mean what you hope it means. You hope it
> means costless. In fact I plan to charge quite allot of money for this
> free stuff, but you will have freedom when I am done. Of course it is
> -often- true that when I say free I mean that you can just download it
> off sourceforge for no cost. So I mean 'Free-as-in-freedom' and
> 'free-as-in-beer' at different points in this conversation and you
> are expected to keep up based on context clues."
> The vendors are going to have trouble trying to sell 'free' stuff no
> matter how you cut it. Also, even if we wanted to use Open, everyone
> and their dog has an organization that begins with 'Open' I can rattle
> off seven without thinking hard. When we previously discussed starting
> something like this using the term 'Free' people got pretty huffy.
> Liberty is the compromise. You might be paying millions for the
> deployment of software that you can download from sourceforge for no
> cost, and that is OK but what you need to have is 'Liberty'. I hope
> everyone is as please with this compromise as I am. We will be
> announcing membership and leadership shortly, but you can be assured
> the usual suspects will be involved or at least invited.
> Our first project, and the reason that we are unveiling this now, is
> to activate the community in support of the Health IT Public Utility
> Act of 2009.
> We have created a petition that we will be submitting to generously to
> congressional representatives. (Just go to our homepage) Note that we
> specifically choose a petition engine that allows you to sign with
> comments, and those comments will be passed along as slightly modified
> petitions. Essentially this is a way for you to both sign a letter to
> Congress, and also send an individual note, with LibertyMSF doing most
> of the grunt work. (Note: Dr. Billings did much of the content of the
> petition in his letter published here earlier)
> Most importantly, you can forward the petition to your email contacts,
> or your favorite social network. If you are reading this, and you
> agree with the basic principles outlined in the legislation, please
> take it upon yourself to get ten people you know who are not in this
> community to sign the petition.
> I want to be clear: The only thing this community has going for it
> politically is being right. The profit margins of the average large
> proprietary EHR vendor will always dwarf the resources of even our
> largest vendors. They can always leverage their vendor lock-in to
> force more and more money out of their customers. We simply cannot
> compete with their lobbying dollars. We have to organize and mobilize.
> We need to reach out to the larger FOSS movement. We need to get out
> local Linux Users Groups or Python users group or PHP or whatever,
> aware of the basic tenants of our argument. We need to reach many,
> many more doctors. We need to get nurses involved.
> VistA has proven that the only way to solve the problem of healthcare
> automation is through the use of collaborative development that is
> only possible inside the VA with a single shared employer who owns
> everything or the use of FOSS licenses outside the VA.
> Please also signup for an account on so that we can get
> ahold of you. We do not have direct access to the details of petition
> signers. Please email me personally if you are interested in fomenting
> a local chapter of LibertyMSF in your area or something like...
> Regards,
> -FT
> --
> Fred Trotter
> <>

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