
This is encouraging and I wish you great success! 

Two questions: 

1. How do you define "hybrid vendors" and distinguish them from FOSS vendors? 

2. What roll, if any, do you see for companies having patented methodologies?

Steve Beller

--- In, fred trotter <fred.trot...@...> wrote:
> Thanks for replying... I sent you a private email about coordinating our
> efforts.
> -FT
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 1:10 PM, <karo...@...> wrote:
> > Hi Fred!
> >
> > Congratulations! As co-chair of the EFMI LIFOSS WG and member of the IMIA
> > OS WG I am looking forward to work together with LibertyHSF. I am confident
> > that we share the same long term goals and that we can collaborate to
> > achieve these comon goals.
> >
> > Our current focus is on fostering the collaboration between different FLOSS
> > in health care projects and to organize conferences and workshops to
> > disseminate knowledge about the benefits and prospects of FLOSS. We recently
> > organized a workshop at BIOSTEC (OSEHC) and will organize a second edition
> > of OSEHC in 2010. We also organized a workshop at Med-e-Tel 2009 and will
> > have another one in 2010. At MIE2009 there will be a workshop about FLOSS
> > -HC and in 2010 we participate in the organization of the International
> > workshop on ehealth in emerging economies (IWEEE).
> >
> > Thanks for taking the initiative of founding LibertyHSF and looking forward
> > to work together with you.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Thomas Karopka
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > FOSS Community,
> >
> > I am writing to let you know that Liberty Health Software
> > Foundation has received 501c3 status.
> > Dr. Valdes and I have been working on this for over two years and we are
> > ready to present this to the community-at-large.
> >
> > The purpose of Liberty Health Software Foundation (LibertyHSF) is to
> > improve
> > the delivery and science of healthcare by supporting the development and
> > use
> > of Free/Libre Healthcare Software.
> >
> > We are in a unique position with the organization because we want to both
> > be
> > careful with how we set things up for long term sustainability, as well as
> > getting some critical tasks done now. I wish this email were somewhat more
> > organized, but as it stands it is just several lists of directions that we
> > want to take as well as open questions about a slew of issues. Feel free to
> > email me privately or call me to discuss anything that you would prefer to
> > remain outside the public forum. I am and will remain baised towards those
> > who have contributed towards our community, I will listen to everyone, but
> > I
> > will act based on the opinions of those who have sacrificed for our
> > movement.
> >
> > How do we choose a BOD?
> >
> > We want a mix of FOSS corporate and FOSS community interests. Sometimes
> > what
> > our successful FOSS companies do is in the interests of the FOSS developer
> > and user interests and sometimes it is not? Our community has several
> > non-vendor roles: deployers, which include IT specialist who deploy FOSS,
> > clinical users, developers and finally the consumers who have their health
> > data stored in FOSS systems. How do we balance community and vendor
> > interests?
> >
> > We want to include and embrace hybrid FOSS/proprietary companies like
> > Mysis,
> > ECW and DSS but still acknowledge that at least part of their interests are
> > to support proprietary software. How do we strike a balance of encouraging
> > the risks that these hybrid companies are taking, but still remaining true
> > to the FOSS values?
> >
> > Liberty HSF goal: Certification: Create a certification system compatible
> > with FOSS
> >               -> Current plan: work with CCHIT to become the scholarship
> > organization for CCHIT certification, and to make CCHIT have a reasonable
> > cert option for FOSS
> >               -> Backup plan: become an FOSS oriented CCHIT alternative
> >
> > How do we deal with CCHIT as an organization AND as a community of
> > independent thinkers?
> >
> > When do we decide that we need to 'fork' CCHIT and setup an alternative
> > certification system?
> >
> > Liberty HSF goal: Vendor organization: be a FOSS EHRVA (this is what we are
> > talking about here)
> >               -> Represent FOSS Vendors the way that EHRVA claims to and
> > HIMSS pretends it does not.
> >               -> Lobby (in compliance with the rules for 501c3) for FOSS
> > vendor interests
> >               -> Create our own definition of 'meaningful use' to through
> > into the mix
> >
> > We need to give a vehicle the FOSS vendors to express their views, as
> > distinct from the community. Vendor profitability is critical to our
> > community, we need FOSS vendors to form the backbone of our community. How
> > do we carve out a space for vendors specifically, while ensuring that the
> > overall purpose of Liberty HSF to represent every member of our community
> > is
> > not damaged?
> >
> > -> Community Organization: be a FOSS HIMSS
> >               -> Create and back FOSS conferences (like DOCHS and
> >
> > How do we run better conferences and meetings so that eventually we can
> > compete with HIMSS?
> >
> > -> Development organization: be a FOSS RWJ
> >               -> Fund and/or internally develop FOSS solutions that are
> > 'orphan', the kind of projects that are not clearly profitable, but are
> > still useful.
> >                           -> Like documentation?
> >                           -> Like user manuals?
> >                           -> Like toolkits?
> >                           -> Like services that the community needs, like
> > CA services etc etc
> >
> > How do we tell the difference between projects that need extra development
> > dollars and coders, and those that are largely self-sufficient? How do we
> > choose what projects to support? To a great extent, this will have to be
> > determined by those who donate either time or money?
> >
> > How do we interact with other organizations like Open Health Tools and
> > WorldVistA?
> >
> > My plan so far:
> >
> > The following seems obviously true and represents 'already made' decisions.
> >
> > - We need to move away from me as benevolent dictator of this
> >   organization quickly, to establish credibility. But a full BOD should be
> >   something that the community has input on, we should have general
> >   nominations etc etc. So Dr. Valdes, David Whitten and I will appoint an
> >   arbitrary interim BOD (announced soon) which will allow us to move
> > quickly
> >   and take our time thinking about the BOD issue long term.
> >   - No one is going to have tons of time for this, and there need to be
> >   sub-groupings of LibertyHSF for different purposes, sub-groups should
> > have
> >   latitude to take positions for LibertyHSF on particular issues. These
> > should
> >   take the form of small committees.
> >   - Obvious initial groups include:
> >   - A vendor association committee, made up of representatives of FOSS and
> >   Hybrid vendors in order to establish strictly vendor positions. A
> > critical
> >   first question for this group will be how does the FOSS community define
> >   'meaningful use'?
> >   - A certification committee who will take over my role as chief
> >   negotiator with CCHIT and determine when and if LibertyHSF needs to
> > become a
> >   certifying body.
> >   - Conferences and Development committees are equally important, but as we
> >   have no general funds for development yet that is a non-issue, and the
> >   conferences are already happening without LibertyHSF so these can wait.
> >
> > My short-term priorities are to create grass roots lobbying during this
> > politically critical time and to sort out the certification issue ASAP.
> > Should I have other very-short term priorities?
> >
> > Long term my priorities for LibertyHSF are:
> > to create an formal meeting place for the vendors in the industry that
> > represents them towards governments,
> > to sponsor important development that is not particularly 'profitable'
> > (assuming vendors will sponsor profitable development), like documentation,
> > or helpful libraries.
> > to create a conference or series of conferences that become the central
> > meeting point(s) for our community
> > to increase between project collaboration
> > to educate clinicians about software freedom
> > to lobby in support of FOSS in healthcare
> > to encourage the use of FOSS in health academia
> > to collaboratively develop standards/position documents when no other
> > existing organization can/will address the issue
> > to apply for grants for development funds
> > to provide education for the implications of FOSS licensing in healthcare
> > to provide a trusted third party for devisive community issues
> > to make health databases and health data services available in a FOSS
> > compatible fashion, (like a FOSS drug database)
> > to encourage proprietary health software vendors to become hybrid or purse
> > FOSS software vendors
> > to remain neutral to particular projects but still recognizing the
> > relevance
> > of a user base (i.e. no preference between Canonical and Redhat but still
> > recognize that GNU/Linux is more relevant than FreeDOS)
> > to make LibertyHSF -our- organization and not just -my- organization... to
> > that end:
> >
> > What long term and short term priorities am I missing? What does the
> > community want and need from this organization?
> >
> > --
> > Fred Trotter
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Fred Trotter
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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