Greg wrote,

>OK, great. I'm fine with people using things which are supported, but
>then we need the big, blinking "Warning! This program is non-standard,
>won't work with many of the devices supported by Open Fabrics!" sign.

>-- greg

The other way to look at it is, the customer goes to the ISV and asks,
what hardware should I buy, and the ISV says I support X version of MPI
and vendor Y's hardware works with X version of MPI. 
The customer buys the software solution and will get the hardware that 
works with that software. So, if you want your hardware to work with
basically almost any MPI today, since most of the MPIs assume this
data placement ordering, then you will make your hardware so that
it will guarantee this type of data delivery. 

If you would rather not, cause some spec says you don't have to,
then you are just limiting the amount of hardware that you will sell.

my 2 cents,


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