On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 17:34 -0700, Gregory Youngblood wrote:
> On Oct 8, 2011, at 5:15 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
> >> As Bernd Helber remarked, forums can play a significant role in Linux
> >> distributions, as they allow users to "have conversations". It would be
> >> great if an initiative to create one for OI could be started.
> > 
> > I agree that forums are more user-friendly when you're searching for
> > an answer that already exists. However, I find mailing lists easier to
> > interact with and reply to on a regular basis. I think the reason the
> > OpenSolaris forums worked so well is that each forum also had a
> > mailing list bridged with it, so you got the best of both worlds (easy
> > search and easy participation). My request would be the the mailing
> > lists not be dumped in favor of forums, but rather set up as another
> > way of participating with the forums.
> +1
> At least initially, having the mailing list bridged with the forums provides 
> best of all possibilities.
> If we see a nice surge in users/traffic, then the volume might tend to cause 
> mailing list traffic to grow too unwieldy, but we can cross that bridge if we 
> ever get to it. And, it would be a great problem to have too. :)
Oh god, please no!  Not another lame forum/mlm cluster fsck....

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

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