On Oct 9, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:

> On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 02:51 -0400, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>> On Oct 8, 2011, at 9:49 PM, Josef 'Jeff' Sipek wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 06:35:57PM -0600, LinuxBSDos.com wrote:
>>>>>> As Bernd Helber remarked, forums can play a significant role in Linux
>>>>>> distributions, as they allow users to "have conversations". It would be
>>>>>> great if an initiative to create one for OI could be started.
>>>>> I agree that forums are more user-friendly when you're searching for
>>>>> an answer that already exists. However, I find mailing lists easier to
>>>>> interact with and reply to on a regular basis. I think the reason the
>>>>> OpenSolaris forums worked so well is that each forum also had a
>>>>> mailing list bridged with it, so you got the best of both worlds (easy
>>>>> search and easy participation). My request would be the the mailing
>>>>> lists not be dumped in favor of forums, but rather set up as another
>>>>> way of participating with the forums.
>>>> I didn't call for abandoning the mailing list, rather for setting up
>>>> something that is more community-oriented.
>>>> So, who's gonna make the decision?
>>> I think that having a bridge between the two would be great.  Either way, we
>>> could set up some experimental thing and see if it works.
>>> Jeff.
>> I must be old-fashioned, but I find an NNTP server easier than forums (and 
>> less junk accumulating on my mail server).  Seamonkey has an adequate 
>> reader, although I prefer knews.  Those have nice threading, killfiles, etc. 
>>  And they're usually _much_ faster and less problems than a web forum.
> +1!!!
> Sad that newer generation seems to have missed this very useful protocol
> - indeed, as some have argued, "the original groupware".

Yes. as I said in a previous message, it seems the new generation of "internet" 
users are really "web" users. If it's not on the web it's doesn't really count. 
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