Hello Любомир Григоров and List,

On Oktober, 10 2011, 18:59 <Любомир Григоров> wrote in [1]:

>>I'll take a couple of people with a clue over a hundred _looking_ for a
> clue any day.

> It will be just as I said earlier - the userland will consist of the devs
> and a bunch of fanboys, no one will know the OS and will just view it as
> "another one". This whole conversation and all the emails in it just proves
> OI is not ready to be a real OS. Maybe in 10 years after it matures I will
> give it another go. Like things stand, it's headed in the OpenBSD path.

Sad but true.

Best Regards
Oktober, 10 2011
[1] mid:cahi1jsdzlrz5ydfrtcubdhnltzgzagzrl3gszmwvwo1hqn6...@mail.gmail.com

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