On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 21:21 +0200, Alexander Lesle wrote:
> Hello Любомир Григоров and List,
> On Oktober, 10 2011, 18:59 <Любомир Григоров> wrote in [1]:
> >>I'll take a couple of people with a clue over a hundred _looking_ for a
> > clue any day.
> > It will be just as I said earlier - the userland will consist of the devs
> > and a bunch of fanboys, no one will know the OS and will just view it as
> > "another one". This whole conversation and all the emails in it just proves
> > OI is not ready to be a real OS. Maybe in 10 years after it matures I will
> > give it another go. Like things stand, it's headed in the OpenBSD path.
> +1
> Sad but true.

This is such BULLSHIT!!!  Would OI be as successful as OpenBSD. Or
FreeBSD!!  So you *BSD bashers might just want to back off and scratch
it a bit before making such categorical broad sweeping statements.

THE reason alternatives to Linux have been able to persist is that not
EVERYONE wants Linux.  Indeed, the more advanced/seasoned the person
seems to be the greater the probability that they will value/utilize a
Linux alternative precisely because it is NOT hampered by Linux's

Following/emulating Linux is a mistake.  Sun should have learned that at
least a couple years earlier and they may not have become the financial
disaster that led to the current Oracle mess.

Instead, OI should actively strive to DIFFERENTIATE itself from Linux,
lest it become relegated to yet another fanboy distro of the month.

Those of you who want/need Linux please, by all means, go use Linux!!!
But please, please, please stop lobbying to turn OI into Linux.


Regards-- Ken Gunderson

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