On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 23:51 -0400, Alex Viskovatoff wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 23:05 -0400, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> > If you think it preferable to compare various options first, there's a
> > site http://www.forummatrix.org/  that seems to compare a bunch of
> > forum software (including Vanilla).
> That's interesting. If you use the following criteria:
> > You want some Forum that is Free and Open Source and with support to
> > attach files and which stores data in Postgres and featuring RSS/ATOM.
> you get these twelve candidates:
> DjangoBB
> FUDforum
> GroupServer
> JForum
> mvnForum
> mwForum
> MyBB
> NextBBS
> Phorum
> phpBB
> Vanilla
> I personally feel that the forum should be able to display threads in
> both threaded and flat mode, which eliminates seven, resulting in:
> FUDforum
> mwForum
> MyBB
> NextBBS
> Phorum

Yes, this is one reason to rule out Vanilla.  But shouldn't we start a
dedicated "Forum Package Option" thread before we get too into

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

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