> Hi All,
> Please, for the sake of everybody's sanity, can people chill out and
> stop arguing.
> This thread started as someone wanting to volunteer to help the project,
> and it has descended into a flame fest. I'd kindly ask that people
> respect the rules of the mailing list and stop flaming each other.
> Remember this is a public forum, and when people google your name, they
> will find these posts; they are preserved forever.
> Think before hitting the send button.

It's been mildly amusing (and annoying at the same time) reading these
exchanges that have very little to do with the reason for starting this
thread. I only volunteered to help, based on this:

"The current website needs to be better organized and some content
directed at end-users, some content could be taken from the wiki. The wiki
needs to be restructured and outdated pages need to be removed or

That quote, by the way, came from
http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Getting+Involved, under Website and Wiki.

So, even the person who wrote that saw a need to target end-users, which
is why I volunteered to set up something that will appeal more to
end-users. But the thread has devolved to this.

The demo is still up at http://linuxbsdos.com/askopenindiana. If the
community does not want it, if the decision makers are against it, I can
just take it down. It took less than 10 minutes to put it up, and will
probably take less than that to take down.

Fini D.

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