On 08/31/2012 08:31 AM, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:
> On 31/08/12 01:10 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
>> On 08/30/12 06:08 PM, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:
>>> And the "farewell" message (if you can call it that) here:
>>> http://lwn.net/Articles/514046/
>> http://openindiana.org/pipermail/oi-dev/2012-August/thread.html has
>> the original
>> message and responses on the developer list.
> Interesting, although I can't post to that list.
> It's sad and disappointing and understandable and all that for the
> project lead to quit, but seriously: waking up this morning to read
> without warning that I was a bonehead for ever considering OpenIndiana,
> and that the hours, and hours, and hours I dedicated to evangelizing
> OpenIndiana was actually stupid because at the end of the day Linux is
> good enough?

People come and go, that's just a fact of life. The important thing for
OpenIndiana now is to get over it, select a new project lead and rock
on. We are all just as saddened as you are to see Alasdair leave, but I
would hope OpenIndiana was never just a single-person job.


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