On Fri, Aug 31, 2012, Jan Owoc wrote:

> NB: just because you are using a copyleft license still doesn't mean
> the people using your code must work with you; they could create a
> fork and ignore you, only publishing the code as a whole when they
> have a finished product (apparently Android was doing this with the
> Linux kernel). Using a permissive license almost guarantees you'll
> never see code back (I wonder how much OSX gave back to BSD?).

This topic has been beaten to death a million times over. You can't throw a
rock without hitting a BSD licensed project that's been repurposed for a
commercial venture. That's /why/ the devs chose that license in the first
place. But there's an enormous, tedious history of butthurt when it comes
to "giving back" to a BSD project. There's more than ten years of whining
about OS X. and several more about OpenBSD, OpenSSH, etc. The reality is
that these projects can get bent out of shape and demand support but
there's no recourse.

The CDDL is its own beast designed to offer something from both worlds (GNU
& BSD) but I still get the impression that few outside of this community
actually understand it despite several FAQs and list archives of

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