-----Original message-----
From:   Milan Jurik <milan.ju...@xylab.cz>
Sent:   Wed 25-09-2013 12:10
Subject:        Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pulseaudio
To:     Discussion list for OpenIndiana <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org>; 
> Hi,
> it is part of SFE spec files, very same as integrated in S11.1, missing 
> is only SunRay support I think. And that is irrelevant these days.
> Best regards,
> Milan


the SunRay stuff is exactly the reason for my search for pulseaudio. If 
pulseaudio would run on a OI based SunRay server it would be possible to 
connect a backend server (running linux) via X11/XDMCP and forward the audio 
from the backend to the OI SunRay server.

As the SunRay software is discontinued by Oracle we are looking for a way to 
keep the SunRays running without depending on SunRay software being compatible 
with the latest Linux, OI etc.. The frontend SunRay server(s) would just act as 
a sort of proxy for the backend servers running OI, Linux, Windows or whatever.

Finally audio is not that important in our environment, but would be nice.



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