
Did you get the NX server running on Solaris/OpenIndiana? I was almost successful but couldn't get all the components compiled and running.


On 10/14/2013 05:11 AM, Jonathan Adams wrote:
The best alternative for light-weight sessions from Solaris was FreeNX, but
I haven't found a good Solaris NX Client, still looking.

When I get enough time I think I will try to recompile it again on hipster,
or at least try to streamline the thing to re-use the native drivers again
... I really had to kick the sh*t out of it to get it to compile last time


On 11 October 2013 23:40, Ivar Janmaat <> wrote:

Totally agree!
I looked at Xspice as an alternatief to ALP but you need a 10 Gbps network
if people want to use youtube.
The Sun Ray is really light-weight for simple multimedia and even works
well over WAN connections.

As for pulsaudio. Xspice also needs pulsaudio to be able to transfer audio
to the client.
Xspice is still in developement.

Kind regards,


Jonathan Adams schreef:

  SunRays aren't easily replaced. they're a very cheap, reliable and
versatile system.

SunRays all support high resolutions out of the box. They all support
card technology to connect to the correct session.  They are a true
thin-client, a SunRay client uses less electricity than my set of LED
lights, that I hang in the office at Christmas. The protocol they use is
exceptionally light-weight, possibly even better than RDP, orders of
magnitude better than VNC.

We've looked around for replacements to our system, but because we
(it's a laboratory, people walk about all day) most other clients just
don't do what we need.  We've taken to buying up other peoples SunRays
they sell them off.

They're one of the greatest systems/protocols that Sun produced, but
because the margin was small, their sales guys just weren't interested in
pushing them, except in the 1000s, and because of this they didn't know
what they did, in order to push them in the market ... and with no profit
coming from the line, Oracle dropped the product.

Just my 2cents.


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