Le 2014/05/15 09:19 +0200, Discussion List For Openindiana a écrit:
Whether other mail providers follow yahoo depends on how successful
the policy change is in reducing spam and spear phishing attacks.

And also depends on whether people go to other providers. Because it's all a balance of annoyances to their flocks, which in turns might impact their actual customers (the advertisers). If Yahoo users are encouraged to swap, and they actually do, then Yahoo might reconsiders. If they're encouraged to be sheeps and stay warm in the flock, not so much.

When probably depends upon the speed with which the mailing list
packages adapt to the change.

Adapting how? I read the DMARC fAQ: there is no practical solution offered. Just hacks and workarounds, all of them, apparently, disrupting what I consider normal mailing list use.


Lots of mailing lists have subscribers who barely know how to use a
computer.  I doubt that those lists will tell their users to get
another mail account.  The first article I read about the change was
by someone who maintained a church mailing list.  He modified From:
and blogged about the issue.  That takes a bit more expertise than
"get another mail account".

And they're free to do whatever they want. I hope we're not trying to solve the world's problem here. But right now, I would like the old way back on this list, whose subscribers really ought to be computer-skilled enough to drop Yahoo.

I sure would have appreciated an explanation in the first place, because some people seem to assume that everybody reads all discussions on all lists. This is not the case, and it is very much appreciated that such changes are posted to every single list they impact.

Thanks in advance.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

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