On Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 11:22:10 AM CST, Toomas Soome <tso...@me.com> 

>It is a bit more complicated, I’m afraid. I guess, if you boot -k, you will 
>see it will complain about >being unable to mount rootfs. *if* that is the 
>case, you would need to boot from cd/usb, use >update_drv to bind ahci driver, 
>then import rpool, beadm mount your be and use devfsadm -r and 
>bootadm update-archive -R

If this is truly the case please document it accurately. I suspect that what is 
really going on is that different Z400s have different motherboards and 
devices. So actual mileage may vary with some devices being usable and some 
not. As I only use OI for internet access, 60 MB/s disk write speed is quite 
adequate. And I would not dream of risking trouble on my Sol 10 u8 instance.

>MBR partitioning only does allow to address up to 2TB disks. Please use 
>GPT/EFI partitioning >instead.

WTF? I've been through a multi-day exercise playing with GPT/EFI labels, 
creating multiple pools in EFI slices/partitions, wiping them out and 
recovering them and you point me to some "how-to-geek" BS about the difference 
between MBR and GPT/EFI? You ship an image with a gparted that dumps core. So 
to follow your "advice" the user needs to use another OS install disk and jump 
through hoops that are not properly documented. There is no reason for a new 
user to suspect that the text installer ISO has a *different* text installer 
from the GUI ISO.

My point is this:


Got that? If FreeBSD can get the geometry correct, Illumos/OI should be able to 
do that also. It is *not* rocket science. It's common sense. And does not 
require even a lot of reading of the UEFI documents.

Setting the expiration on the root login at the first login is just dumb 
configuration of the install image. You've had the user specify a root password 
a few minutes earlier and now insist that they change it? 

With regard to other people's comments. No two computers are the same unless 
someone like me makes extreme efforts to make them the same. Everyone with 
significant admin experience in a large system context knows this. I once had a 
standing offer of $100 to anyone who showed me two systems in a major oil 
company that were the same. No one ever collected. I withdrew the offer as I 
was in the process of showing two regular employees who had been assigned to 
work under me how to do that. They then spent two months installing $100k/seat 
ISV packages and running a script I wrote that made a tarball of everything 
that vendor install had modified or installed. They then used dd and a 2nd disk 
to reimage the install disk to the same image I had built. and did the next ISV 
package. When it was all done I sat down, sorted out the munges to the system 
config files and made a unified distribution of the ISV stuff. It all worked 
like a Swiss watch despite my being 3000 miles from the system that it was 
installed on.

Single user environments and 10,000 user environments have *very* different 
admin requirements. RBAC and the other lavishly complex tools Sun built are 
important for large environments. Unfortunately, they are a complete 
anachronism if you've killed off your installed base as Sun did selling $40k 
Ultra 60's when a Linux x86 machine of equal capability was $3k or less. By the 
time they introduced the Ultra 20 it was too late. I had an Ultra 60 or top end 
Blade at work when I bought my Ultra 20. My home system was 4-5x faster than my 
work system.

Sun owned the technical workstation market across all industries lock, stock 
and barrel. They were smug and insisted on huge margins. Once IBM poured $1 
billion a year into Linux those margins became unsupportable. And Sun's upper 
management made their change of control packages so expensive IBM walked away.

I have to use Windows and Linux. I don't have to use OI. I'd like to, but I've 
watched the user community shrink for years now and with the sort of gaffes in 
the install images it's only going to get smaller.

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