I posted a public plea to all the lists to contact me so I could test it. Never 
heard from anyone.

     On Thursday, March 4, 2021, 10:11:57 AM CST, Toomas Soome via 
openindiana-discuss <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org> wrote:  

> On 4. Mar 2021, at 18:04, Udo Grabowski (IMK) <udo.grabow...@kit.edu> wrote:
> On 04.03.21 16:43, Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>>  OK I just made several attempts:
>> First attempt was with 2020.10 GUI install ISO. That was forced to 
>> maintenance mode and was unable to locate libpcidb.so.1 when I ran prtconf 
>> -v.
>> Second attempt was with 2019.04 USB. That kernel panicked for multiuser and 
>> single user. Even with a camera ready I couldn't get the message.
>> Both of those attempts had a 5 TB drive installed. I'm trying again with a 
>> 750 GB drive which happens to have CentOS 7 installed. That tries to boot, 
>> but doesn't seem to get far before it just spins. The GUI 2020.10 ISO 
>> behaves the same as with the 5 TB disk.
>> It completely ignored the 2019.04 USB image even with it selected via F9. 
>> The 20202.10 text ISO also fails for lack of libpcidb.so.1
> I can only second your opinion about the the quality of the ISOs, but
> two years ago I had some luck with 2018.10, which was the first after
> 151a9 that actually booted a newer system. Maybe you try that, it's
> sufficient for the job (if the rpool does not have activated the most
> recent feature flags…)

I think the next version should appear in may, so there is your chance to join 
with release building team to make sure the next version is with expected 


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