OK I just made several attempts:

First attempt was with 2020.10 GUI install ISO. That was forced to maintenance 
mode and was unable to locate libpcidb.so.1 when I ran prtconf -v.

Second attempt was with 2019.04 USB. That kernel panicked for multiuser and 
single user. Even with a camera ready I couldn't get the message.

Both of those attempts had a 5 TB drive installed. I'm trying again with a 750 
GB drive which happens to have CentOS 7 installed. That tries to boot, but 
doesn't seem to get far before it just spins. The GUI 2020.10 ISO behaves the 
same as with the 5 TB disk. 

It completely ignored the 2019.04 USB image even with it selected via F9. The 
20202.10 text ISO also fails for lack of libpcidb.so.1

I'll patch the libpcidb.so.1 failure when I have some time. I think that's more 
productive than making a 2017.10 USB image to test.

Unfortunately, this is another example of poor QC of the release ISO image. How 
hard is it to verify that all the libraries needed in single user mode are 
actually installed? A shell script to do that should be an integral part of the 
process for building an ISO image.

I lost my job as a release manager when they cut 38% of staff. Not because I 
was doing a bad job. They also killed the entire project which was the wisest 
decision they made.

Reg     On Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 09:08:02 PM CST, Gary Mills 
<gary_mi...@fastmail.fm> wrote:  
 On Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 07:57:39AM -0600, Gary Mills wrote:
> I looked around for my notes on the first install of OI on my Z400,
> but couldn't find anything.  Maybe it was that easy that I didn't
> bother making notes.  I do recall that only needed to follow the first
> part of the instructions.  The main thing is the add_drv and rebuilding
> the boot archive.  There was only one BE, of course.

I found my notes.  They were from Febuary 2018.  Here they are, in
point form:

    o Changed controller to AHCI+RAID in BIOS
    o Booted OI hipster-20171031 USB stick
    o Started a shell window
    o Got a root shell with `sudo ksh'
    o Found `RAID controller' in `prtconf -v' output
    o Ran: update_drv -a -i 'pci8086,2822.103c.1309.0' ahci
      o Added line to driver_aliases:
        ahci "pci8086,2822.103c.1309.0"
    o Ran the installer
    o Checked new BE:
    # mkdir /tmp/a
    # beadm mount openindiana /tmp/a
    # wc -l /tmp/a/etc/driver_aliases /etc/driver_aliases
        1772 /tmp/a/etc/driver_aliases
        1772 /etc/driver_aliases
      o Files were the same
    o Rebuild the boot archive:
    # bootadm update-archive -v -R /tmp/a
      o No output
    o Umount:
    # beadm unmount openindiana
    o Rebooted from the installer GUI
    o Normal boot of new BE

-Gary Mills-        -refurb-        -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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