As I see it, our animation API can be viewed as four levels:
- simple transitions
- custom transitions
- timelines
- AnimationTimer

If you know how an object will move, you should be fine with the upper two. If you want to react on user actions you can still adjust the transitions in input event handlers (to change directions), you can also have property listeners that will be called every time the transition updates the property which is every frame. The benefit of the transitions is that they compute the time-based interpolation for you and you don't need to do that manually (avoiding the mentioned issue with the patch). If there is something complicated that needs to be done in each frame and the above is not enough, then yes, AnimationTimer may be the right way. I agree this may be the case for many video games, but I don't think it justifies for using the low-level API where it is not necessary. If this demo is about "how to write brick breaker", then diving right to the deepest API level is not really educative. If it is about "how to write a typical video game", then I think we should rather produce a typical ShootEmUp game where this API usage would fit more naturally. I realize it is easy to say but hard to find time for it..

With regards to the pulses - pulse is a sync from scenegraph to render tree - it tells to the render tree how the current scenegraph looks like and render tree then keeps displaying that state until the next pulse. Scenegraph also does some updates during the pulse (yes, layouts fall into this category). By default on desktop the pulses have an upper limit of 60fps (means 60 pulses per second), without any connection to actual display refresh rate. I think (and I'm not certain here) that the pulse requests are there only to make sure the next pulse is scheduled (we don't schedule pulses if nothing changes).


On 3.6.2013 15:30, Scott Palmer wrote:
In this particular example you may be right. The trajectory of the ball can be pre-computed for at least the entire length of the straight line that it will travel in. You could go a couple bounces ahead even, to the point where the ball would get back to the bottom. However, that is definitely not the typical case for a video game. Per-frame or per-update computations are the norm for video games. Change the game style to a shoot'em up where every frame you need to determine collisions, the direction of the player or enemy may change etc, and it actually isn't any simpler trying to use a pre-computed timeline. The calculation of such a timeline would be more work. I think in the general case for a video game, AnimationTimer is more likely to apply than other techniques. It fits the basic pattern commonly used and therefore makes better sample code. There is a small problem with Richard's patch though...

I would like to know a little more about the relation of the "pulse" to the refresh rate. I know that there are places in JavaFX where a "pulse" is requested or maybe forced. Presumably to trigger calculations related to general scene graph layout issues. (I find often that the layout of the scene is wrong actually - that is when I do actions that force a refresh I will see the layout adjust to a state where it clearly should have been in the first place.) One would think that in general one pulse per display refresh would be the minimum though. Anything less means the animation will not be smooth, anything more shouldn't cause problems. The key is that the "now" time is used to update any time-based values. I think Richard's patch to BrickBreaker is actually incorrect in this regard, as I don't see the actual time passed being used in the calculations.


On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 7:56 AM, Pavel Safrata < <>> wrote:

    I'm a bit behind with this thread but I want to make a few
    comments on AnimationTimer as  there is a hidden message in the
    discussion that AnimationTimer is the way to go.

    First, AnimationTimer is called in each pulse, which doesn't have
    much in common with display refresh rate (if I understand the term
    correctly). More importantly, AnimationTimer is kind of extreme
    low-level animation API that should not be needed in vast majority
    of cases. I think a better way to code BrickBraker would be to use
    a single TranslateTransition for the entire straight part of the
    ball's trajectory; it would automatically compute the
    interpolation and sync the position on every pulse, which should
    have the same result as doing everything manually with the
    AnimationTimer (but expressed in simpler code).


    On 31.5.2013 22:45, Richard Bair wrote:

        I pushed the fix to graphics. Thanks Scott for tracking that
        down! It looks 10x better.


        On May 31, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Richard Bair
        < <>> wrote:

            Patch attached to
   I'm not
            seeing any stutter on my Mac, interested to hear the
            experience on Windows.


            On May 31, 2013, at 8:44 AM, Richard Bair
            < <>>

                Ya I did the same, am now adjusting it so the factor
                by which things move is better.


                On May 31, 2013, at 8:32 AM, Scott Palmer
                < <>> wrote:

                    Richard, I suspect you made a typo.  I think you
                    mean "*40*ms is a really odd number..." (it was 25
                    FPS, not 25ms)

                    I quickly hacked it to use AnimationTimer and the
                    animation is very smooth now.  Though I didn't
                    make the required changes to adjust the speeds
                    based on the refresh rate.  The quick conversion
                    to AnimationTimer is trivial.. but going through
                    and adjusting all the translations and increments
                    to be relative to the time between consecutive
                    frames is something I don't have time for.




                    On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Kevin Rushforth
                    <>> wrote:
                    Btw, there is a JIRA issue filed against
                    BrickBreaker specifically:

                    Richard Bair wrote:

                        Have you tried to determine what the FPS is?
                        My guess is that FPS is not anywhere near the
                        limit and it is the occasional stutter that is
                        the problem, but I'm not certain. Knowing that
                        helps to point in which direction to go. The
                        fact that it runs pretty well on a PI is
                        indication that it isn't the framerate.


                        On May 31, 2013, at 4:26 AM, Scott Palmer
                        <>> wrote:

                            Speaking of poor animation in Ensemble...

                            Is anyone able to run Brick Breaker
                            without choppy animation or poor framerate
                            performance on the ball?

                            Now, I suspect the issue there is in the
                            balls animation implementation in the
                            application rather than the JavaFX
                            framework, as the bat moves smoothly when
                            I move the mouse, but the overall
                            perception of JavaFX performance for this
                            demo app is not good. I would go so far as
                            to say that Brick Breaker has had the
                            opposite effect it was intended too -
                            simply because the animation of the ball
                            is not smooth.  That's something that
                            would run smoothly on a Commodore 64,yet
                            the last time I tried it (5 minutes ago)
                            with JavaFX 8.0-b91 on a quad-core 3GHz
                            Windows 7 box with a decent NVIDIA card,
                            it didn't run as smoothly as I would
                            expect.  Just a single ball with a shadow
                            bouncing around the screen seemed to have
                            a low framerate and the occasional skipped
                            frame.  It just didn't look that great.

                            The fact that Brick Breaker ships as a
                            sample app from Oracle and it's animation
                            looks bad is harming JavaFX's reputation
                            in my opinion.  I think  it could run much
                            better on the existing JavaFX runtime.
                             The simple animations in the Ensemble app
                            run much smoother for example.


                            On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Richard
                            Bair <
                            <>> wrote:

                                Then you mention Halo 5.  I have to
                                say the subtext here troubles me
                                greatly.  If I read you correctly then
                                you are saying that JavaFX is not
                                really suitable for games (at least
                                anything beyond the demands of something
                                like Solitaire).  As someone else
                                pointed out, what is point of developing
                                3D support in JavaFX if it is not
                                really suitable for games?  To say it is
                                not suitable for games implies that it
                                is not really suitable for *any*
                                application that requires performant
                                animations and visualisations.  What
                                use then is the 3D API?

                            That's not fair at all. There are a *lot*
                            of enterprise use cases for 3D, and we get
                            these requests all the time. Whether we're
                            taking about 3D visualizations for medical
                            or engineering applications or consumer
                            applications (product display, etc), there
                            is a requirement for 3D that are broader
                            than real time first person shooters.

                            Game engines often have very specialized
                            scene graphs (sometimes several of them)
                            as well as very specialized tricks for
                            getting the most out of their graphics
                            cards. When we expose API that allows
                            people to hammer the card directly, then
                            it would be possible for somebody to build
                            some of the UI in FX and let their game
                            engine be hand written (in Unity or JOGL
                            or whatever).

                                However, I am not sure that having me
                                preparing "reproducible" test cases
                                will actually help.  In my experience,
                                the Ensemble app already serves this
                                purpose.  The choppiness I describe is
                                *always* prevalent when I run the
                                animations and transitions in Ensemble
                                (including Ensemble 8).  The only
                                variation is in the degree of that

                            Then start with that, something absolutely
                            dead simple like a path animation or
                            rotate transition and lets figure out how
                            to measure the jitter and get it into our
                            benchmark suite.


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