Yes, working on the web view building. The main issue is there are a handful of 
libs (libxml, libxslt, etc) that we have to figure out where to put. I believe 
these are unaltered by us, but built with different flags to strip out stuff we 
don't need. I've asked Peter whether we can post the build instructions to 
produce these libs, and then figured once anyone can build them, it wouldn't be 
to hard to find a place to put them.

Ultimately we're trying to get a public artifactory repository setup for 
OpenJDK which would be the natural place for us to put all our dependencies 
like this, but in the meantime we just need a place to put some binaries. I 
know some of these binaries could be found elsewhere but not all of them (win64 
builds I think are missing for example).

On Jun 20, 2013, at 8:56 PM, Danno Ferrin <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Daniel Zwolenski <> wrote:
>> This time sending to the list (gets me every time!):
>> Great news!
>> Danno - where does this put us with the JFX78 backport? Can we get a build
>> of this for iOS now or what's needed to close this loop?
> The good news is that my JFX78 project now compiles via gradle without
> needing a stub jar.  I took out the date picker and the builders for media
> and web view.  So you can download it locally and build a jfxrt.jar and
> likely use the ios libs that build currently.  I haven't poked around too
> much with the native bits.  (see
> I also have been working on some maven distribution for this, not ready
> for consumption yet but an accessory build file creates the poms and
> handles the upload tasks (
> ).
> The date picker will return when the threetenbp jars are updated, and media
> when those files are released.  WebView I either need to submit a patch to
> get it building in gradle or be patient.  But honestly all three of these
> rank in priority for me below writing a jfpackager bundler that wraps
> robovm.
> The RoboVM Maven plugin is working. I'd be keen to make it work with JFX
>> auto included so basically you can create a normal project and run mvn
>> robovm:ipad-simulator (robovm:ios-device is under construction) and next
>> thing you have a running JFX app on iOS, no mess, no fuss.
>> I have a pitch for a suite of fairly major app development next week. So
>> many unknowns with JFX and app development at this stage! I'm still pretty
>> disappointed that JFX on iOS/Android is not officially supported by Oracle
>> (such a massive wtf? for me) - makes it such a risky prospect for us on the
>> front line.
>> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:47 AM, Felipe Heidrich <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We have just open-sourced javafx-font and javafx-font-native!
>>> Note that a lot of the code we open-sourced today is a new implementation
>>> based on native text technologies (CoreText for the Mac and DirectWrite
>> for
>>> Windows).
>>> We still have a lot of work to do:
>>> - finishing the new linux implementation is a big one
>>> - testing
>>> - improve on sub pixel position text
>>> - etc
>>> Help is most welcome,
>>> Thank you
>>> Felipe

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