I would vote for option b)
Use a full class that can be extended later as needed.  You don't have to use 
it like an enum. It could be a container for configuration parameters, possibly 
including the enum that says the antialiasing mode, but with separate fields 
(or maybe even just a single map) to supply the additional details e.g. x2, x4, 
I also find that mixing the kind of antialiasing with the parameters in a 
single enum is smellier than keeping those things distinct, but I don't like 
methods with a lot of parameters either.  You could supply simple static fields 
or methods to get a class configured for the common cases so it could be used 
as easily as an enum.


On 2013-07-15, at 4:45 PM, Richard Bair <richard.b...@oracle.com> wrote:

>> I think there should be a simple way to request full scene anti-aliasing to 
>> improve 3D rendering. And also an optional more advanced way to specify 
>> which type…
> I agree it should be nice and simple. It should also allow us the freedom to 
> make it better in the future. I think that adding a secondary property to 
> refine what is meant by the first property is not a good idea for the 
> following reason. As our API stands today it is not possible to later add any 
> API without cluttering things up. Specifically this is because we require you 
> to specify anti-aliasing at the time the scene is constructed. Ostensibly 
> this is because it is easier for our implementation. I think this is wrong 
> (and the fact that we expose a read only property for anti-aliasing is going 
> to come back to bite us if we ever attempt to make it a read-write property). 
> But suppose we decide that no, it really should be read-only for all time. In 
> that case, in 8.1 we decide to add more API that lets you specify various 
> details about the implementation, such as the algorithm to use. Now we have 
> to add yet another constructor with yet more parameters to be able to specify 
> this additional constraint.
> This is bad.
> What we can do is either of the following:
>    a) Make anti-aliasing a full read-write property and get it out of the 
> constructor
>    b) Change it to an enum (or class) so we can grow it over time
> Making it a read-write property (a) would at least allow us to add another 
> read-write property in the future (which is inevitable) without adding more 
> and more constructors. Once upon a time the root node of a Scene was 
> immutable and thus we had to have a non-empty scene constructor. That is no 
> longer the case and we should be striving to make Scene something that could 
> be completely configured dynamically (after all, we should be able to detach 
> and chuck the peer and create a new one on demand -- if we can't, that's a 
> failing in our implementation, not in the API). As such, it really is a bad 
> idea for us to be adding new read-only properties here.
> Separate from that discussion is the one around whether it should be a 
> boolean or an enum. I think a boolean is short-sighted because it is 
> inevitable that we are going to need to expose additional choices to 
> developers. So that means we will, at a minimum, need two properties instead 
> of one to configure the antialiasing strategy. It isn't the end of the world. 
> Using a full class to define the AA approach is also possible (if null, no 
> AA, otherwise it is an implementation of SceneAntiAliasing which could be 
> MSAA or whatever, package private constructor, fixed set of types, various 
> properties can grow on those different types over time, etc). Using a full 
> class probably provides the most flexibility but is more cumbersome. Using an 
> enum is just as easy programatically as a boolean, offers the opportunity to 
> grow it over time, but isn't as flexible as using a class.
> Once we ship this API we have to live with it forever, and I have a very 
> strong feeling that we are going to be modifying this in the future, because 
> as it stands it isn't that useful (only in the short term).
> I think making this a read-write property now is a must-do, because you can't 
> change it later (at least, you can't change the property method to return a 
> full property, it has to remain a read-only property forever for binary 
> compatibility reasons).
>> For the advanced variation, I think it might be premature. Considering there 
>> is an ugly workaround to specify number of samples for MSAA, with 
>> “prism.multisample” system property.
> We don't have to do anything prematurely. An enum with two options is 
> perfectly acceptable in the first go-around. The question is, how are we 
> going to handle growing this API in the future. Two properties in this case 
> is uglier than one.
> Richard

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