JWrapper (no plug - I don't work for them or own stock) solves all of this - 
you have to bundle the jvm but it's small and the installation is hitch-less…

Oracle should buy them out - seriously!


On Jul 18, 2013, at 4:09 PM, ozem...@ozemail.com.au wrote:

> +1
> The various applet and Web Start deployment options are severly damaging the 
> entire Java brand. and should be discontinued ASAP.
> Even before the recent security issues raised their ugly heads there have 
> been several issues with either launching Java applications from within a web 
> page or running them as applets and the user experience has been dismal to 
> say the least.
> The main reason why Java applets had such a short-lived period of popularity 
> was because Flash came along.  Flash applets started significantly faster, 
> didn't pop-up any security warnings and almost always "just worked".  The 
> exact opposite was true of applets and, sadly, this has only gone further 
> downhill lately.
> For many years the browser vendors have gone out of their way to make running 
> Java in the browser a very painful experience for the end user.  Now we have 
> the situation where most people assume every Java applet is a security threat 
> and avoid them like the plague.
> Anyway, I do not believe Java, JavaFX or any plugin-based technology has any 
> place in a web browser.  This includes Flash and Silverlight.  We have HTML5 
> for that kind of app.  Surely it won't be long until all browser vendors make 
> it *impossible* for Java to run inside the browser or simply not support 
> *any* plugins.
> What's the point of investing any further effort into the Java Plugin?  Yes, 
> I know there are legacy apps and applets out there that need to run but 
> Oracle should be focused on getting JavaFX into the "modern" platforms and 
> their associated app stores.  Why not issue an End Of LIfe bulletin that 
> signals the end of the Java Plugin so anyone out there still relying on Java 
> applets can have time to find an alternative.
> Let's face it, almost *all* the security vulnerabilities exposed in recent 
> months only affect Java in the browser.  All the effort Oracle expends on 
> patching these vulnerabilities and tightening up the security model should be 
> spent on advancing JavaFX on mobiles and tablets.
> -jct
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> "Daniel Zwolenski" <zon...@gmail.com>
> To:
> "David Ray" <cognitionmiss...@gmail.com>
> Cc:
> "mike.ehrenb...@barchart.com Ehrenberg" <mike.ehrenb...@barchart.com>, 
> "openjfx-dev@openjdk.java.net" <openjfx-dev@openjdk.java.net>, 
> "JeremyJongsma" <jer...@barchart.com>
> Sent:
> Fri, 19 Jul 2013 06:47:46 +1000
> Subject:
> Re: JavaFX 8 Progress
> Among general complaints and my own disasters with it, I had this guy write 
> to me:
> http://web-conferencing-central.com
> The failure of webstart is making him lose customers (they literally are 
> emailing him and telling him it's too hard to install). This is one of the 
> very few commercial, public apps that use desktop-java and webstart (I'd be 
> keen to know about any others - I know of none that use jfx?). 
> From what I understand of the work being carried out, I highly doubt any of 
> the fixes or improvements being worked on are going to help people like this. 
> I love the idea of web deployment but it's failed and getting worse with the 
> complexities now added in your attempts to keep it secure. In my opinion, web 
> deploy should be deprecated or at least placed in minimal 'bandaid' only 
> fixes and all effort should be put into making native bundles actually useful 
> and into adding app store support. 
> On 19/07/2013, at 2:10 AM, David Ray <cognitionmiss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I don't want to open up the webstart can of worms here, but we have 
> > multiple issues surrounding recognition and validity of signed jars when 
> > using certain VMARGS in combination with OSGi style deployment. We finally 
> > settled on JWrapper due to WebStarts apparent "brittleness" - but as you 
> > say, this is neither here nor there as far as JavaFX is concerned…
> > 
> > Anyway, thanks for getting back to us on the deployment tools organization… 
> > 
> > David
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Jul 18, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Joe McGlynn <joe.mcgl...@oracle.com> wrote:
> > 
> >> No, the deployment team works on these, not the FX team. It's the same 
> >> bits for FX and Swing/AWT when running browser-deployed apps (which 
> >> includes applets and web start). Deployment, FX and Swing are all part of 
> >> the Java client org.
> >> 
> >> There are a number of bug fixed being worked in this area, as well as new 
> >> requirements around how to deploy a secure applet or web start app. The 
> >> deploy code base is currently identical between 7u and JDK 8. If you are 
> >> working with deploy technologies you should know this area is rapidly 
> >> changing and I'd strongly advise staying on the latest release (currently 
> >> 7u40 EA) and following the updates to the docs, especially around best 
> >> practices for deployment.
> >> 
> >> In short, these are:
> >> 
> >> Buy a code signing certificate from a recognized CA and sign your app
> >> Use the new "permissions" and "codebase" JAR manifest attributes
> >> 
> >> I'd recommend avoiding the use of "mixed code" if at all possible as that 
> >> results in additional warning prompts to the end user and additional 
> >> runtime risks.
> >> 
> >> I'd also recommend testing your app with the security slider at the "Very 
> >> High" level with every update of the JRE. Typically new restrictions are 
> >> introduced first at Very High, and then propagated down into High and 
> >> ultimately Medium over time.
> >> 
> >> If there are problems using deployment with FX, of course report the issue 
> >> and the team will investigate. I'm aware of one problem that causes some 
> >> FX web start apps not to work with the latest release. It's being 
> >> investigated right now.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Jul 18, 2013, at 6:40 AM, Daniel Zwolenski <zon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Sure, but no one other than the JFX team are (or will be) working on these
> >>> right? They are effectively desktop technologies and no other team has any
> >>> interest in them I'm guessing?
> >>> 
> >>> I'd assume if they're not on the JFX roadmap, they're not on the Java
> >>> roadmap?
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Artem Ananiev 
> >>> <artem.anan...@oracle.com>wrote:
> >>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> On 7/18/2013 3:00 AM, David Ray wrote:
> >>>> 
> >>>>> Hi Richard,
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> I don't see any mention of WebStart and JavaFX on the milestone list -
> >>>>> are issues surrounding (and suffocating :)) WebStart going to addressed 
> >>>>> as
> >>>>> part of the JDK release 8 instead?
> >>>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> Java Plugin and Java Web Start are not parts of JavaFX (although JavaFX
> >>>> provides some APIs for them), they are shared between JDK and JavaFX and
> >>>> released as a part of Oracle JDK8 (not included to OpenJDK).
> >>>> 
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> 
> >>>> Artem
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> David
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Sent from my iPhone
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> On Jul 17, 2013, at 12:06 PM, Richard Bair <richard.b...@oracle.com>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Hi Peter,
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Our dates match up with JDK 8: http://openjdk.java.net/**
> >>>>>> projects/jdk8/milestones<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8/milestones>
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Feature complete was a month ago (but little API tweaks continue to
> >>>>>> happen). Things are supposed to be reasonably stable by October 24 
> >>>>>> (Zero
> >>>>>> Bug Bounce http://openjdk.java.net/**projects/jdk8/milestones#Zero_**
> >>>>>> Bug_Bounce<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8/milestones#Zero_Bug_Bounce>)
> >>>>>> and GA in March.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Richard
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> On Jul 17, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Peter Penzov <peter.pen...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>> I'm new to JavaFX I'm interested what is the current progress of
> >>>>>>> development of JavaFX 8. I want to use it for base framework for my
> >>>>>>> enterprise application but I have concerns is it stable to be used? 
> >>>>>>> Can
> >>>>>>> you
> >>>>>>> give me some information do you plan to add something else before the
> >>>>>>> official release?
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> Best wishes,
> >>>>>>> Peter
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> 
> >> 
> > 

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