I'm not a 3D expert but my "gut" tells me that the two pipelines should remain 
distinct as you say. I can't imagine the evolution of such different functions 
converging in such a way where the semantic treatment of the two will coincide 
in a clean, simple and unconfusing manner. That only seems like it would lead 
to compromise and the inability to develop both concepts to their full maturity 
- and what about what you mentioned regarding possible OpenGL exposure from the 
3D API ? Would this be possible while still merging 2D and 3D semantics?


On Jul 18, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Richard Bair <richard.b...@oracle.com> wrote:

> While working on RT-5534, we found a large number of odd cases when mixing 2D 
> and 3D. Some of these we talked about previously, some either we hadn't or, 
> at least, they hadn't occurred to me. With 8 we are defining a lot of new API 
> for 3D, and we need to make sure that we've very clearly defined how 2D and 
> 3D nodes interact with each other, or developers will run into problems 
> frequently and fire off angry emails about it :-)
> Fundamentally, 2D and 3D rendering are completely different. There are 
> differences in how opacity is understood and applied. 2D graphics frequently 
> use clips, whereas 3D does not (other than clipping the view frustum or other 
> such environmental clipping). 2D uses things like filter effects (drop 
> shadow, etc) that is based on pixel bashing, whereas 3D uses light sources, 
> shaders, or other such techniques to cast shadows, implement fog, dynamic 
> lighting, etc. In short, 2D is fundamentally about drawing pixels and 
> blending using the Painters Algorithm, whereas 3D is about geometry and 
> shaders and (usually) a depth buffer. Of course 2D is almost always defined 
> as 0,0 in the top left, positive x to the right and positive y down, whereas 
> 3D is almost always 0,0 in the center, positive x to the right and positive y 
> up. But that's just a transform away, so I don't consider that a 
> *fundamental* difference.
> There are many ways in which these differences manifest themselves when 
> mixing content between the two graphics.
> http://fxexperience.com/?attachment_id=2853
> This picture shows 4 circles and a rectangle. They are setup such that all 5 
> shapes are in the same group [c1, c2, r, c3, c4]. However depthBuffer is 
> turned on (as well as perspective camera) so that I can use Z to position the 
> shapes instead of using the painter's algorithm. You will notice that the 
> first two circles (green and magenta) have a "dirty edge", whereas the last 
> two circles (blue and orange) look beautiful. Note that even though there is 
> a depth buffer involved, we're still issuing these shapes to the card in a 
> specific order.
> For those not familiar with the depth buffer, the way it works is very 
> simple. When you draw something, in addition to recording the RGBA values for 
> each pixel, you also write to an array (one element per pixel) with a value 
> for every non-transparent pixel that was touched. In this way, if you draw 
> something on top, and then draw something beneath it, the graphics card can 
> check the depth buffer to determine whether it should skip a pixel. So in the 
> image, we draw green for the green circle, and then later draw the black for 
> the rectangle, and because some pixels were already drawn to by the green 
> circle, the card knows not to overwrite those with the black pixel in the 
> background rectangle.
> The depth buffer is just a technique used to ensure that content rendered 
> respects Z for the order in which things appear composited in the final 
> frame. (You can individually cause nodes to ignore this requirement by 
> setting depthTest to false for a specific node or branch of the scene graph, 
> in which case they won't check with the depth buffer prior to drawing their 
> pixels, they'll just overwrite anything that was drawn previously, even if it 
> has a Z value that would put it behind the thing it is drawing over!).
> For the sake of this discussion "3D World" means "depth buffer enabled" and 
> assumes perspective camera is enabled, and 2D means "2.5D capable" by which I 
> mean perspective camera but no depth buffer.
> So:
>       1) Draw the first green circle. This is done by rendering the circle 
> into an image with nice anti-aliasing, and then rotating that image
>             and blend with anything already in the frame buffer
>       2) Draw the magenta circle. Same as with green -- draw into an image 
> with nice AA and rotate and blend
>       3) Draw the rectangle. Because the depth buffer is turned on, for each 
> pixel of the green & magenta circles, we *don't* render
>            any black. Because the AA edge has been touched with some 
> transparency, it was written to the depth buffer, and we will not
>            draw any black there. Hence the dirty fringe! No blending!
>       4) Draw the blue circle into an image with nice AA, rotate, and blend. 
> AA edges are blended nicely with black background!
>       5) Draw the orange circle into an image with nice AA, rotate, and 
> blend. AA edges are blended nicely with black background!
> Transparency in 3D is a problem, and on ES2 it is particularly difficult to 
> solve. As such, it is usually up to the application to sort their scene graph 
> nodes in such a way as to end up with something sensible. The difficulty in 
> this case is that when you use any 2D node and mix it in with 3D nodes (or 
> even other 2D nodes but with the depth buffer turned on) then you end up in a 
> situation where the nice AA ends up being a liability rather than an asset -- 
> unless you have manually sorted all your nodes in such a way as to avoid the 
> transparency problems.
> There are other problems. Suppose you create a scene where you have 3 
> Rectangles, with Z values:
> r1.setTranslateZ(10);
> r2.setTranslateZ(20);
> r3.setTranslateZ(30);
> g1 = [r2, r3]
> g2 = [g1, r1]
> If you have the depth buffer turned on, then you would expect that r1 is 
> drawn on top of r2, which is drawn on top of r3, regardless of the presence 
> of groups, because the order in which things are rendered is independent of 
> the order in which they appear, since we're using a depth buffer, so the Z 
> values are the only thing that really dictates the order in which things 
> appear.
> Now, something weird is going to happen if I either apply an effect, clip, 
> blendMode, or turn node caching on to g1. Because all 4 of these properties 
> are 2D properties that by their nature result in "flattening". That is, they 
> take the scene graph they've been given and render to an intermediate image, 
> and are then composited into the rest of the scene. In this case, since g1 
> has no Z translation, what you would get is the combination of r2 and r3 
> drawn on top of r1! We've flattened r2 and r3 into an image which is then 
> rendered at Z=0, which is above r1 with z=10.
> This behavior, although surprising, is consistent and correct. But it sure is 
> surprising for those, who like me, are traditional 2D developers coming to 
> the 3D world!
> Then there is the new support for scene anti-aliasing (presently using 
> multi-sampling, referred to as MSAA . In our 2D rendering, we always 
> anti-alias all shapes using a special set of shaders and grayscale masks 
> generated in software. This is a common technique and produces objectively 
> the best AA money can buy, often with the least overhead (the cost is in 
> generating and uploading the masks, which for most things we've optimized the 
> heck out of, though for paths you still will run into the worst case 
> scenarios). MSAA on the other hand, applies an algorithm against the entire 
> scene in order to produce "automatic" AA on everything (there are many ways 
> to do scene anti-aliasing. One way you can think of would be to draw to a 
> buffer 4x or 8x as large as necessary, and then scale it down using bilinear 
> scaling to 1x and put that on the screen, letting the image scaling algorithm 
> do the work).
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/images/4/48/Msaa_comparison.png
> Here you can see the smoothed edges of the monster. However MSAA does take 
> extra cycles and on resource constrained devices you may not want to do this 
> at all. In addition, it gives you worse AA than you would get with our mask / 
> shader approach for 2D shapes.
> Also, opacity. In 2D rendering contexts, using opacity means "render to an 
> image and apply the alpha blend to the entire image". This also inherently 
> means flattening. In 3D contexts, if you put an alpha on a Group, it should 
> mean "multiply this alpha with the alpha of each of my children 
> individually". This would always give the wrong result in 2D, but generally 
> the right one in 3D. And certainly better than flattening a group, which is 
> pretty much always a problem.
> So in summary, if you use 2D APIs in a 3D world (effect, clip, blendMode, 
> node caching) then you get surprising results. If you use a 2D shape in a 3D 
> world then the nice AA of 2D shapes may end up good or bad depending on the 
> render order relative to depth. And depending on whether you use a parallel 
> or perspective camera, using 3D shapes in a 2D world may end up quite 
> surprising as well.
> So what do I propose to do about this? Well, we can leave it be and just 
> document the heck out of it. Or we can try to tease apart the scene graph 
> into Node, Node3D, and NodeBase. Right now we're doing the former, and I've 
> tried the latter and it makes a mess in many places. We can talk about those 
> alternatives if you like, but to shorten (ahem) this message, I'm going to 
> just say it doesn't work (at least, it doesn't work well and may not work at 
> all) and leave it at that.
> Instead I propose that we keep the integrated scene graph as we have it, but 
> that we introduce two new classes, Scene3D and SubScene3D. These would be 
> configured specially in two ways. First, they would default to depthTest 
> enabled, scene antialiasing enabled, and perspective camera. Meanwhile, Scene 
> and SubScene would be configured for 2.5D by default, such that depthTest is 
> disabled, scene AA is disabled, and perspective camera is set. In this way, 
> if you rotate a 2.5D shape, you get perspective as you would expect, but none 
> of the other 3D behaviors. Scene3D and SubScene3D could also have y-up and 
> 0,0 in the center.
> Second, we will interpret the meaning of opacity differently depending on 
> whether you are in a Scene / SubScene, or a Scene3D / SubScene3D. Over time 
> we will also implement different semantics for rendering in both worlds. For 
> example, if you put a 2D rectangle in a Scene3D / SubScene3D, we would use a 
> quad to represent the rectangle and would not AA it at all, allowing the 
> scene3D's anti-aliasing property to define how to handle this. Likewise, a 
> complex path could either be tessellated or we could still use the mask + 
> shader approach to filling it, but that we would do so with no AA (so the 
> mask is black or white, not grayscale).
> If you use effects, clips, or blendModes we're going to flatten in the 3D 
> world as well. But since these are not common things to do in 3D, I find that 
> quite acceptable. Meanwhile in 3D we'll simply ignore the cache property 
> (since it is just a hint).
> So the idea is that we can have different pipelines optimized for 2D or 3D 
> rendering, and we will key-off which kind to use based on Scene / Scene3D, or 
> SubScene / SubScene3D. Shapes will look different depending on which world 
> they're rendered in, but that follows. All shapes (2D and 3D) will render by 
> the same rules in the 3D realm.
> Thoughts?
> Richard

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