I’m very excited about Jpro (and awaiting details) - it’s very cool! I still 
assume deployment is somewhat demanding though, since devs need to provide a 
virtual CPU and robust network connection for each user. Not as simple as 
copying a WASM/JS file to a website.


> On Dec 8, 2016, at 8:17 AM, Tom Eugelink <t...@tbee.org> wrote:
> @Jeff: You may find the jpro.io approach interesting for running apps in the 
> webbrowser.
> Tom
> On 8-12-2016 15:09, Jeff Martin wrote:
>> Be wary of selection bias 
>> <http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2008/01/21/selection-bias-and-bombers/> when 
>> asking advice from us on this list. I would advocate a feature based on who 
>> *isn’t* using JavaFX: WebAssembly browser support.
>> JavaFX is great if you need to build a battleship class app - something big 
>> and specialized enough that devs don’t mind packaging/signing/deployment 
>> issues and users don’t mind downloads and security issues. It’s not as 
>> attractive for smaller scale apps. And most battleship class apps start as 
>> smaller apps.
>> With very little resources, I was able to use a JavaFX/Swing based UI kit 
>> and TeaVM to build apps that run on the desktop and in the browser. I would 
>> think Oracle would be able to nail this with moderate effort - particularly 
>> with WebAssembly coming out this year. Hire/buy the TeaVM guy - he’s 
>> brilliant.
>> The JavaFX team has done something like this before: JavaFXPackager - a 
>> feature so useful and needed that it became part of the whole system. I’m 
>> not sure we need new table features or such. If someone is going to write a 
>> spreadsheet, they’d be better off rolling their own super-table, etc.
>>      http://reportmill.com/snaptea/BusyBox/
>> jeff
>>> On Dec 7, 2016, at 5:45 PM, Jonathan Giles <jonathan.gi...@oracle.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Development on JDK 9 is slowly starting to ramp down, and we are starting 
>>> to turn our attention to the goals for JavaFX in JDK 10 and beyond. We are 
>>> starting to compile our list of what we think is important, but we really 
>>> want to hear from the community about what their highest priorities are to 
>>> them. As always, it's important to keep in mind what JavaFX is (e.g. it 
>>> isn't aiming to be a high-performance game engine), but even still there 
>>> are bound to be a number of places where people might want to weigh in, for 
>>> example:
>>> * New layout containers (e.g. Flexbox)
>>> * Public APIs for UI control behaviors
>>> * Marlin renderer enabled by default
>>> * Support for CSS animations
>>> * CSS performance improvements
>>> * TableView improvements (cell spanning, row / column freezing, etc)
>>> * TableView performance
>>> * Focus traversal API
>>> * WebGL support in WebView
>>> * Improved image I/O support
>>> * A JavaFX equivalent of the AWT Desktop APIs
>>> * Multi-res image API
>>> * NIO-backed writable images
>>> If there are other areas of interest that aren't listed here, please start 
>>> discussing them and we can work together to determine priorities. If all 
>>> you want to do is add a +1 for one of more of the items above, even that 
>>> will be very useful.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- Jonathan

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