Hi Kevin,
that's a great achievement. I have a few questions/remarks though:

1. On the announcement page I assume the license agreement should not read
"These binaries are provided under the GNU General Public License <http://openjdk.java.net/legal/gplv2+ce.html>."
but instead should read
"These early-access, open-source builds are provided under the GNU General Public License, versionĀ 2, with the Classpath Exception <http://openjdk.java.net/legal/gplv2+ce.html>." With or without classpath exception makes a big difference. (The actual link is already the same anyway.)

2. I can confirm that a simple program from the command line works nicely on my MacBook Pro Retina but I had to add "/lib" to the module path to get it working.

3. How do you properly configure an Eclipse (the latest 4.7.3a) project to use this module path. Adding the OpenJDK was no problem but how do you add the module path for JavaFX? I failed on that.


Am 08.05.18 um 01:00 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
I am pleased to announce the first Early Access build of a standalone JavaFX SDK [1]. You can download it and run it using OpenJDK 10 or an OpenJDK 11 EA build.

If your application is in an unnamed module (i.e., your app is on the classpath), you can run your application as follows, after unzipping the SDK bundle for your platform.

$ java --module-path $PATH_TO_FX/javafx-sdk-11 --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml MyApp

This assumes you don't need media or web. If you do, then add those modules, too. Note that since javafx.web "requires transitive javafx.controls", you can omit javafx.controls if you add javafx.web.

If you are running a modular application, then you don't need the "--add-modules" option.

Note that this is a stepping stone to javafx modules in a repository like Maven.

Please test your applications with the SDK and give us feedback.


-- Kevin

[1] http://jdk.java.net/openjfx/

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