On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 00:12:53 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> The pull request has been updated with 1 additional commit.
> I took a preliminary look, and only have one high-level concern that might 
> end up not being a problem, but will need to be checked. The docs for an 
> Unmodifiable Set, List, or Map state that they are "value-based", meaning 
> that the identity of the stored objects cannot be relied upon. I think 
> `Color` is the only place where that could even possibly be an issue, since 
> both the Color constants and the method to get a Color by looking up a string 
> in a Map are public. In the event that `Map.get` returned an instance that 
> was `.equals` but not `==`, an application might see a difference in 
> behavior. I'm not sure that actually applies to the values in a `Map.entry` 
> passed into `Map.of`, though.
> I also left one minor comment inline.

> The docs for an Unmodifiable Set, List, or Map state that they are 
> "value-based", meaning that the identity of the stored objects cannot be 
> relied upon.

I misread this. It is the Set, List or Map itself that is "value-based" not the 
entries contained therein. So there is no problem that I can see.

I will do more testing and a more careful review later.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/104

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