On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 21:47:05 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I see that this change has been reverted. That's good.
>> FWIW, I disagree with the original premise of removing it. The subclass 
>> shouldn't have to know or care that the superclass method is empty or not.
>> I looked through the current version, and no longer have any concerns about 
>> this PR. I'll let others formally review.
> Although there are many ways to implement this kind of inheritance, I do 
> think that what I did here was also a valid solution.  The parent class was 
> already `abstract` -- all I did was to make the `processEndElement` abstract 
> instead of empty, forcing the subtypes to think about it and implement it.  
> Calling `super` is then no longer allowed.  I did not remove `super` because 
> I knew it was empty, I removed it because it was now `abstract`.

> The parent class was already abstract -- all I did was to make the 
> processEndElement abstract instead of empty, forcing the subtypes to think 
> about it and implement it ...
>  I did not remove super because I knew it was empty, I removed it because it 
> was now abstract.

OK, that's a fair point then. And given that, I wouldn't necessarily be opposed 
to doing something like this as part of a more targeted cleanup rather than a 
general "remove warnings" sort of cleanup.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/958

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