On Fri, 2 Dec 2022 09:08:36 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/java/javafx/scene/Node.java line 1437:
>>> 1435:     }
>>> 1436: 
>>> 1437:     public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty shownProperty() {
>> This property probably should have been named `showing` to align it with 
>> `Window.showing`, but the "good name" is already taken by `ComboBox` and 
>> other controls. Just out of interest, have you considered alternatives to 
>> `shown`?
> I didn't look too far for alternative names after I discovered `showing` 
> would not be possible.  The name comes from `isTreeShowing` which is used for 
> a similar purpose (inside `Node`) and from `conditionOnShowing` in ReactFX.
> The name needs to imply that visibility has no effect on it (ie, 
> `setVisible(false)` won't toggle it).  Neither does it check if the node 
> isn't covered or off screen.
> In theory you could use a more general name (like `active` as in "part of an 
> active currently showing scene graph").  `isActive` seems to even be 
> available...
> A name like "used" or "inUse" may also work (as in "indicates the node is 
> currently used as part of a currently showing scene graph".

That reminds me... `parent` is described as:

>  The parent of this {@code Node}. If this {@code Node} has not been added to 
> a scene graph, then parent will be null.

Which I think is incorrect; parent can easily be non-null while not being part 
of a scene graph.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/830

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