On Thu, 21 Mar 2024 21:50:37 GMT, Andy Goryachev <ango...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Using Eclipse IDE to remove unused imports in **demo apps** (3D, Ensemble, 
> etc.) and update the copyright year to 2024. Using wildcard for more than 10 
> static imports.
> --
> This is a trivial change (though fairly large), 1 reviewer is probably enough.

Here is my $0.02 on the sorting of imports. I haven't cared enough before now 
to raise the issue, but since we are now going to be setting a precedent with 
these PRs, I want to codify the style guidelines. We should update the 
CONTRIBUTING guidelines to reflect whatever we decide. The current guidelines 
say this:

> Don't worry too much about import order. Try not to change it but don't worry 
> about fighting your IDE to stop it from doing so.

We should replace this with the recommended sort order.

As for what that order should be, I have never much liked the idea of sorting 
or organizing imports into multiple groups with a set of rules that you have to 
remember / describe / teach your IDE about. The various IDEs or code-style 
guidelines with such conventions are often at odds with each other. Google used 
to have multiple groups (with rules about sorting the groups), but finally 
tired of this and changed to a simpler convention of having two groups: one for 
static imports (if any) and one for ordinary imports:

static imports (sorted alphabetically)
one blank line
ordinary imports (sorted alphabetically)

No wildcard imports (I favor an exception for static imports).

I propose that we do the same, but if someone has strong opinions otherwise, we 
can discuss.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1420#issuecomment-2020929321

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