
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 11:11:43AM +0200, Nicolas Produit wrote:
> this is my first mail to this list so sorry if I do something wrong.
> I posted a bug report on sparkfun openocd forum but did not get a lot of
> answers there...
> https://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=36484&e=0

Heh, I personally wouldn't read any webforums looking for OpenOCD
bugs, same about some of the developers, this place is the right
medium to discuss issues.

Please send at least the beginning of your SVF file to the list for
investigation in a way that wouldn't mangle it anyhow.

I'm almost sure we'll make it work rather soon and you'll get rid of
that windows machine :)

Also, using native raspberrypi driver should allow for considerably
faster flashing than the sysfs driver.

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